Down with the LP...
I work in a flashy, gobbed-with-glitz Las Vegas Casino. Working in such an environment provides me with experiences completely unique to my industry. Perfect example...last Wednesday, the double doors to our offices burst open and my coworker Leeann burst in, cheeks flushed in excitement.
"There are Ewoks in the hall!!!!" She exclaimed, breathless. Surely she was misinformed...there couldn't possibly be Ewoks in the hall, but then again this is Las Vegas. Anything can happen, and when it does, it apparently stays here. Or so the ad says. I poked my head out the hall, trying to remain inconspicious because if there were in fact Ewoks in the hall, any sudden movements could frighten them away or trigger some sort of spear and boulder war like in Return of the Jedi. I saw them! In black hooded robes stood five tiny figures, the tallest being no higher than a good-sized 3 year old. Being the diplomat that I am, I invited them to rest from their labors as Ewoks in our office lobby where I would treat them to refreshing beverages. Perhaps they would dance for me, or tell me stories of their ancient race and how they came to Planet Earth. They kindly accepted the invitation, but only after telling me gently that they were not Ewoks. They were little people. I tried to hide my dissapointment, but I was crestfallen. My pain was momentarily eased though, when the gave my a free DVD which I eagerly accepted. See, I'm down with the LP. They never explained their robes though. That remains a mystery only the Ewoks know.
"There are Ewoks in the hall!!!!" She exclaimed, breathless. Surely she was misinformed...there couldn't possibly be Ewoks in the hall, but then again this is Las Vegas. Anything can happen, and when it does, it apparently stays here. Or so the ad says. I poked my head out the hall, trying to remain inconspicious because if there were in fact Ewoks in the hall, any sudden movements could frighten them away or trigger some sort of spear and boulder war like in Return of the Jedi. I saw them! In black hooded robes stood five tiny figures, the tallest being no higher than a good-sized 3 year old. Being the diplomat that I am, I invited them to rest from their labors as Ewoks in our office lobby where I would treat them to refreshing beverages. Perhaps they would dance for me, or tell me stories of their ancient race and how they came to Planet Earth. They kindly accepted the invitation, but only after telling me gently that they were not Ewoks. They were little people. I tried to hide my dissapointment, but I was crestfallen. My pain was momentarily eased though, when the gave my a free DVD which I eagerly accepted. See, I'm down with the LP. They never explained their robes though. That remains a mystery only the Ewoks know.
Ahhh...Vegas - see this is why YOU need to blog - I don't have anything nearly exciting as that to post about lately. Unless you consider a $10 couch something noteworthy...hmmm
jez, At
1:29 PM
OMG!!! Yesss! See, this stuff is so much better than what I could come up with. I don't even think there are any LPs in the RBC.
If they are they must be hiding somewhere under the Pier or something.
Anonymous, At
8:54 AM
Anthony just told me that your blog is officially "the funniest" blog out of mine, yours, and Nicks.
I've been laboring so long, and you post TWO posts and you're officially funnier.
Oh the humanity!!!
Heart YOU!
Anonymous, At
9:21 AM
I find that difficult to beleive. I nearly wet myself when I read about your June Clever house and perfeclty lipsticked mouth spewing forth profanities-now THAT'S Bloggin!!!
Moonery, At
11:24 AM
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