I almost missed it!
MTV has a wide variety of reality programs that have a tendency to draw me in even though I’m aware that what I’m viewing is superficial tripe. A perfect example of this is “The Hills” starring (gaaads I hate that term for non-actors) Laguna Beach’s blonde-haired Lauren SomethingMcSpoiledton. I tuned into an episode yesterday morning while feeding baby Kai and was quickly caught up in the drama of, like, omg, Heidi’s boyfriend Spencer is like, such a “sucky person” when I noticed two bright blue eyes looking up at me. Kai had pushed his bottle aside and was smiling up at me with a sweet, wide-open grin the likes only a baby can provide. Our eyes locked and my heart melted for the bazillionth time since the triplets were born. He held that smile longer than any smile I’ve seen him produce yet. I petted his head and cooed lovingly at my nephew. The love I felt was even strong enough to overpower the shame I felt for almost letting an MTV dramathon come in the way of such a special moment. Keep smiling Kai, and I promise to cut back on the reality tellie!
I love your little baby stories. Keep them comming. Heart you!
jez, At
10:19 AM
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