Dodged a Bullet...Literally, Most Likely.
Now, I’m no poetic genius but I do love to pen my thoughts now and then. Usually said thoughts are about something I just ate or would like to eat in the future. I plan on compiling this poems into a “slim volume” (whoever gets that reference wins a poem!) about my lusty love affair with tasty cuisine. I decided I’d try said poems out on a real live audience, when I read about Las Vegas’s “Untamed Tongues Poetry Slam” at a club called Barcode. Great! A chance to rub shoulders with other aspiring writers…ahh, perhaps I’d sip Italian soda listening to their thoughts in poem form. Lisa, a fellow artsy-type pal even agreed to come and share some of her own works. It was going to be great! Says I, “Perhaps I’ll check out their myspace page to make sure my directions are accurate. Well, not only did I get directions but I was treated to a short video of some of the poetry slams in the past. Boy…it wasn’t what I expected. Turns out Barcode is a hip-hop club that I don’t think white people are even allowed to go in. The poems read were graphic descriptions of sexual encounters, doing drugs, or getting shot/stabbed/etc. Somehow, after viewing said video I felt that Lisa and I and our poems of a considerably lighter nature would not be welcome there. Our pale skin and lack of hoochie-clothes only added to that fact. So we decided to skip it. I found one happening at a coffee house the first Tuesday of every month that seems a little more up our alley. Until then, my poems will have to wait.
I think that there are times when you should just stay home...I can't wait to hear about your next venture to the literary world.
jez, At
12:06 PM
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