A is for Austin
Whilst making dinner tonight, I was hit by an urge to do something fun for Austin. Rolling out the dough for my biscuits thought I “Say, howsabout I make a biscuit in the shape of an A? A for Austin. He’ll get a kick out of that!” Pleased with the perfect, golden brown “A” shaped biscuit, I presented it to the lad. Austin’s large blue eyes filled with tears and he started whimpering “Oh no, oh no, oh no! I can’t eat that! I hate this!”
His response wasn’t exactly what I’d hoped for. I was well aware that it was just a biscuit. I didn’t expect him to sing hallelujahs to the heavens, but I certainly didn’t plan on him being upset by it. Austin insisted I take photos of said biscuit with my camera phone, put it in a baggie and store it in the freezer so he could have it forever and ever. Apparently Austin is going through a phase where he hates to let anything go, no matter how trivial it is. I imagine with the triplet’s due date approaching, Austin senses that his life is about to go through a major metamorphosis. While he won’t wake up as a giant cockroach or anything that extreme, he is going to have to share his mommy with three demanding babies. That’s going to take some adjusting to. I believe he senses this, and as a result is clinging to everything he holds dear. Nothing can be thrown away, because its his world being discarded with the empty milk jugs and newspapers we should be recycling. Poor feller.
Kurt, Elizabeth, Austin and I ate dinner, and it seemed as though the matter of the A-Shaped biscuit had passed until Kurt said “Guess what’s going to happen to night Austin?” Kurt was referring to the fact that the tooth fairy would be replacing the tooth Austin had lost earlier in the day with a shiny quarter. However, Austin’s face crumpled and he said “I know what’s going to happen! You’re going to get my biscuit out of the fridge and eat it yourself! Or you’re going to throw it away!” At this, I had to run from the room as the image of Kurt cruelly devouring the baked good was to comical for me to suppress a huge guffaw. Oh little Austin…things will be alright. He’ll see. When that day comes, perhaps he’ll pull the biscuit A from its frozen tomb, thaw it and eat it with honey. That will be a fine day indeed. I just hope its before the freezer burn gets it.
His response wasn’t exactly what I’d hoped for. I was well aware that it was just a biscuit. I didn’t expect him to sing hallelujahs to the heavens, but I certainly didn’t plan on him being upset by it. Austin insisted I take photos of said biscuit with my camera phone, put it in a baggie and store it in the freezer so he could have it forever and ever. Apparently Austin is going through a phase where he hates to let anything go, no matter how trivial it is. I imagine with the triplet’s due date approaching, Austin senses that his life is about to go through a major metamorphosis. While he won’t wake up as a giant cockroach or anything that extreme, he is going to have to share his mommy with three demanding babies. That’s going to take some adjusting to. I believe he senses this, and as a result is clinging to everything he holds dear. Nothing can be thrown away, because its his world being discarded with the empty milk jugs and newspapers we should be recycling. Poor feller.
Kurt, Elizabeth, Austin and I ate dinner, and it seemed as though the matter of the A-Shaped biscuit had passed until Kurt said “Guess what’s going to happen to night Austin?” Kurt was referring to the fact that the tooth fairy would be replacing the tooth Austin had lost earlier in the day with a shiny quarter. However, Austin’s face crumpled and he said “I know what’s going to happen! You’re going to get my biscuit out of the fridge and eat it yourself! Or you’re going to throw it away!” At this, I had to run from the room as the image of Kurt cruelly devouring the baked good was to comical for me to suppress a huge guffaw. Oh little Austin…things will be alright. He’ll see. When that day comes, perhaps he’ll pull the biscuit A from its frozen tomb, thaw it and eat it with honey. That will be a fine day indeed. I just hope its before the freezer burn gets it.
I love the way your write! You could write a children's book just with the stories Austin provides. Poor kid, although I am with you when I think of Kurt eating the "A" shaped biscuit while Austin is sleeping.
[hearty guffaw!]
Anonymous, At
10:36 PM
I am giggling so hard right now! And Charise is right... you should do an entire series based on The Antics of Austin.
I really love part of his fear of throwing anything away as it was his world that is crumpling up and being replaced.
Charisee310, At
8:40 AM
Thanks guys! Austin does provide me with great material. Austin themed blogs practically write themselves!
Moonery, At
12:48 PM
This gave me a audibal gaffaw as well. Poor "A" for Austin.
jez, At
4:01 PM
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