Diversity and Me

Ola! Aloha! Bonjour! These are all different ways of saying "hello!" Our differences are what make us spay-shul. My name is Polly PC and I'm here to talk to you today about what it means to be spay-shul. Spay-shul means you are one of a kind. There is no one else in the world just like you. Did you know that? I bet you didn't, you little right-winged simpleton. You probably thought we were or should all be the same. Do you think we should dress in matching gray jumpsuits to stifle our ability to express our culture through creative dressing? Perhaps we should all join a unified religion of blandness where we pray to a creature named Orgo who lives in that lake over by Old Man Johnson's tackle shop. Perhaps we would sacrifice Old Man Johnson to Orgo because, hey, according to you close minded fools old people are useless. Well, newsflash. They are not useless. Old people have many purposes including but not limited to creating a market for adult diapers. I hope this little memo has raised awareness in promoting not only tolerance but the embracing of every individual's spay-shulness. Now, let's all put our hands together and give 3 cheers for you, me, and everyone in the world! Hooray!
I heart you zuzu - you and your diverse views
jez, At
8:34 AM
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