Saturdeeeeee Night
Ah, children. Aren't they great folks? sarcasm whatsoever, I love kids! I just spent a great little evening with my sweet little peach of a nephew Austin. He was in my care whilst his parents had a romantic evening out. I treated him to Del Taco before we got right down to the nitty-gritty business of making Mother's Day gifts for Elizabeth. Austin was more than thrilled to string fat, colorful beads on chord to make both a necklace and a bracelet for his mum. After, we scurried upstairs to the bedroom where we proceeded to strip Kurt and Elizabeth's bed to replace their old sheets with the oh-so-nice, new 1000 thread count sheets Kurt had purchased earlier as surprise. I think we did pretty good! Of course, no night with Austin is complete without a fantastic meltdown of sorts, and actually, it is going on right now as I type this. Austin, insisted his mother gave him permission to sleep in his little pop-tent. While putting up the tent, Austin got a little overzealous and snapped one of the frame pegs (whatever their proper name is, I'm not sure) in two. Realizing his mistake, he dissolved into tears wailing "This was my one big chance, my one big chance..." Big chance to...sleep in a tent? I could be guessing, but I'm sure the opportunity will arise several more times in his life. Of course, it is difficult to explain this to a weeping 6 year old, so I tried my best to comfort him. Nothing I said could console him...he just exhausted himself and climbed into bed. I know how tired he is, but he's fighting sleep and every now and then I'll hear him moan "my one big chance." It's sadly adorable. He's so charmingly dramatic. Just like his Auntie. Man, I love kids!
Oh, poor little man. What a tragic thing to happen.
jez, At
8:52 AM
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