These blogs are always the best...
You know these blogs of which I speak. Blogs posted after many frenzied days of activity and excitement. Blogs where I am on less than four hours of sleep from the previous night. Blogs where I can share such stories
Just kidding! I'm not REALLY sleeping. I was just pretending. I'll start with the cold sore. It never blossomed to the full engorged monsteresqueness that it usually does. My fast action and swift treatments prevented THAT from happening. However, there was a barely visible blister not much larger than the point of a pencil purchased at the Keyhole. In fact, Daryn probably wouldn't have noticed it at all, but I feared spreading the dreaded plague so I told him it was there and that there would be NO KISSING this visit. He was crushed, but realized he could still kiss me, just not on the lips. I actually came to like this arrangement as I recieved many sweet kisses on the cheek and neck. Swooooon. As for the cold sore affecting my time at Coachella, it didn't. As I mentioned it was not visible to the naked eye, unless your naked eye was getting kissed by my infected lip, which would be wrong for SO many reasons. So Coachella was great. So much bigger than I could have possibly imagined. Picture Warped Tour times 10 with a nicer, less angry crowd and you've got it! So yes, Coachella was a crazy, exhausting, wonderful success! I am so happy I went! By the grace of God alone I was able to meet up with my ride home and we put the pedal to the metal and pulled into Vegas at 4 in the morning on Sunday. Slept for a few hours then got up and cleaned like a muthu to prepare for Daryn's arrival. We spent Sunday afternoon relaxing with the fam. Then...Depeche Mode!!!! Outdoor at the Joint...twas a perfect night for a concert. Nice, 80 degrees after the sun went down. An amazing show and my favorite part? Daryn is a great concert buddy! He shakes his groove thing and really gets into it. There's nothing worse than a boring bump on a log at a concert. The after party was held in a small meeting room and this time there were food, drinks, and places to sit. I'll send pics as soon as I get them.
Monday: I don't think two people ever packed quite so much into a day. We went to Nelson Nevada which fascinated Daryn as I had hoped it would. We explored for a bit, then headed to Lake Mojave with a picnic and our swimsuites. Caught some sun and stumbled upon to elderly NUDE sunbathers. Awesome. After going home to shower, we went to Quark's for dinner as Daryn is quite the Star Trek fan. Then we saw Hairspray at the Luxor, then went to the Stratosphere where Daryn taught me how to play black jack. HIT ME!!! We ended the night by trying out an oxogyn bar which was quite nice, but I'd say a bit overhyped. I took him to the airport this morning and I'm soooooo tired. But it is a good, happy tired. The kind of tired you only get at the end of a really good time.
The end.
Just kidding! I'm not REALLY sleeping. I was just pretending. I'll start with the cold sore. It never blossomed to the full engorged monsteresqueness that it usually does. My fast action and swift treatments prevented THAT from happening. However, there was a barely visible blister not much larger than the point of a pencil purchased at the Keyhole. In fact, Daryn probably wouldn't have noticed it at all, but I feared spreading the dreaded plague so I told him it was there and that there would be NO KISSING this visit. He was crushed, but realized he could still kiss me, just not on the lips. I actually came to like this arrangement as I recieved many sweet kisses on the cheek and neck. Swooooon. As for the cold sore affecting my time at Coachella, it didn't. As I mentioned it was not visible to the naked eye, unless your naked eye was getting kissed by my infected lip, which would be wrong for SO many reasons. So Coachella was great. So much bigger than I could have possibly imagined. Picture Warped Tour times 10 with a nicer, less angry crowd and you've got it! So yes, Coachella was a crazy, exhausting, wonderful success! I am so happy I went! By the grace of God alone I was able to meet up with my ride home and we put the pedal to the metal and pulled into Vegas at 4 in the morning on Sunday. Slept for a few hours then got up and cleaned like a muthu to prepare for Daryn's arrival. We spent Sunday afternoon relaxing with the fam. Then...Depeche Mode!!!! Outdoor at the Joint...twas a perfect night for a concert. Nice, 80 degrees after the sun went down. An amazing show and my favorite part? Daryn is a great concert buddy! He shakes his groove thing and really gets into it. There's nothing worse than a boring bump on a log at a concert. The after party was held in a small meeting room and this time there were food, drinks, and places to sit. I'll send pics as soon as I get them.
Monday: I don't think two people ever packed quite so much into a day. We went to Nelson Nevada which fascinated Daryn as I had hoped it would. We explored for a bit, then headed to Lake Mojave with a picnic and our swimsuites. Caught some sun and stumbled upon to elderly NUDE sunbathers. Awesome. After going home to shower, we went to Quark's for dinner as Daryn is quite the Star Trek fan. Then we saw Hairspray at the Luxor, then went to the Stratosphere where Daryn taught me how to play black jack. HIT ME!!! We ended the night by trying out an oxogyn bar which was quite nice, but I'd say a bit overhyped. I took him to the airport this morning and I'm soooooo tired. But it is a good, happy tired. The kind of tired you only get at the end of a really good time.
The end.
You guys look cute...but I think that Martin Gore is waaaaaaaaay better looking than your man.
Sorry, it's the eye glitter that gets me every time.
Anonymous, At
1:19 PM
Hey- Daryn could wear eye glitter. He simply chooses not to.
Moonery, At
2:39 PM
Whatever, make excuses you little love slave.
We all know that he's nothing compared to Martin Gore. Or Al Gore for that matter...
Anonymous, At
2:57 PM
Just wondering? Sounds like you had some well-deserved fun-fun! :) This makes me so happy.
jez, At
3:17 PM
Aw, you guys are sweet. I hope this "cool" streak lasts!
Moonery, At
3:25 PM
I have SUCH COOL SISTERS! I am torn with jealousy and pride! Of course in the case of Zuzu's skinny body it withers up into a serving of pure steamed jealousy! Work it baby! Work it!
p/s..... I am in Aruba... and can't help but think it would be that much greater if my sister kin were here!
Suzy..... I have had the snorkeling experience (x5) that you and I should have had! I will consider that I owe you a snorkeling trip!
Charisee310, At
5:45 PM
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