Betwixt Scott and I
From Scott:
Again, I have sorta cheated, but Dudicomcast almost works. Hmmm...I wonder if I can sue them for the rights to that name. I will be rich! Or maybe just get free cable. Which I would be just as happy with. The word engorged does indeed belong on the list of words that need to exist, but shouldn't ever be used. There are others, but I'm sleepy and can't think of them right now. Aw well. The travel gods can be a fickle foe, to be sure. You didn't miss any sort of fun. Mostly I took a nap, which is far less fun than a haunted house, but more fun than being engorged. But fear ye not! Halloween is just getting geared up, so there will be plenty of opportunities to go-a-haunt'n. Are you feeling better? You are always welcome to visit the dudicouch if you would like. It is one of my better purchases. You sit in it, and you sink. I had to wear a snorkle to go looking for the TV remote. Anyway, hope the throat demon goes away soon. Back to throat hell I suppose. Yes, if a haunted house plan is forged, I will give you a call. Something will take place, I'm sure. Kategory V is possibly the best name ever for a band. And possibly a candy-themed hurricane. Ha! I too never thought I would be saying the old-persony words of "These kids and their rap music". The other day some popular new band showed and I was simply "Why this doesn't this sound like the music I like?" Then I yelled at some kids to get off my lawn. It's every boys dream to be in a heavy metal band at some point, so I admire him for living the dream. I joined a ska band, which doesn't quite have the same punch, but it will have to do. Anyway GET BETTER! Please?
My Reply
Can you imagine what a delicious disaster a candy-themed hurricane would be? I imagine it would look like a cyclone (even thought its a hurricane) of cotton candy and torrants of skittles raining from the sky. People wouldn't know whether to laugh or run from the mighty forces of candy and nature combined. The aftermath, as seen on CNN would show Sean Penn looking like a cotton candy snowman foraging his way through the sweet wreckage of whatever city had been ravaged. Oh good times. Clean up would be tricky. I mean sticky. I've given way too much thought to this. I'm feeling much, much better! Sunday I was feeling pretty good, but tired so I used that as an excuse to skip church and TV gorge the day away. After I felt rested and ready for the week! Plus I got a free flu shot from work, so hopefully I won't see the sickness bird flying over my head for at least a year. I've never gotten a flu shot before, but I get sick so often (My sisters call me the sickly Victorian) so I thought I'd give it a shot. A shot! Ha! I"m so ready to get my Halloween on, you don't even know. I can't wait until October 1st. I'm making a gingerbread haunted house from a kit you can buy at Michael's craft stores. Really, the project is for my nephew Austin but I was looking at the box and thinking of all the possibilites. I have a feeling I'm going to completely take over and make it my own. Mwa ha ha ha....maybe I'll buy us each a kit. Hmmm...I'll have to figure that part out later.
Again, I have sorta cheated, but Dudicomcast almost works. Hmmm...I wonder if I can sue them for the rights to that name. I will be rich! Or maybe just get free cable. Which I would be just as happy with. The word engorged does indeed belong on the list of words that need to exist, but shouldn't ever be used. There are others, but I'm sleepy and can't think of them right now. Aw well. The travel gods can be a fickle foe, to be sure. You didn't miss any sort of fun. Mostly I took a nap, which is far less fun than a haunted house, but more fun than being engorged. But fear ye not! Halloween is just getting geared up, so there will be plenty of opportunities to go-a-haunt'n. Are you feeling better? You are always welcome to visit the dudicouch if you would like. It is one of my better purchases. You sit in it, and you sink. I had to wear a snorkle to go looking for the TV remote. Anyway, hope the throat demon goes away soon. Back to throat hell I suppose. Yes, if a haunted house plan is forged, I will give you a call. Something will take place, I'm sure. Kategory V is possibly the best name ever for a band. And possibly a candy-themed hurricane. Ha! I too never thought I would be saying the old-persony words of "These kids and their rap music". The other day some popular new band showed and I was simply "Why this doesn't this sound like the music I like?" Then I yelled at some kids to get off my lawn. It's every boys dream to be in a heavy metal band at some point, so I admire him for living the dream. I joined a ska band, which doesn't quite have the same punch, but it will have to do. Anyway GET BETTER! Please?
My Reply
Can you imagine what a delicious disaster a candy-themed hurricane would be? I imagine it would look like a cyclone (even thought its a hurricane) of cotton candy and torrants of skittles raining from the sky. People wouldn't know whether to laugh or run from the mighty forces of candy and nature combined. The aftermath, as seen on CNN would show Sean Penn looking like a cotton candy snowman foraging his way through the sweet wreckage of whatever city had been ravaged. Oh good times. Clean up would be tricky. I mean sticky. I've given way too much thought to this. I'm feeling much, much better! Sunday I was feeling pretty good, but tired so I used that as an excuse to skip church and TV gorge the day away. After I felt rested and ready for the week! Plus I got a free flu shot from work, so hopefully I won't see the sickness bird flying over my head for at least a year. I've never gotten a flu shot before, but I get sick so often (My sisters call me the sickly Victorian) so I thought I'd give it a shot. A shot! Ha! I"m so ready to get my Halloween on, you don't even know. I can't wait until October 1st. I'm making a gingerbread haunted house from a kit you can buy at Michael's craft stores. Really, the project is for my nephew Austin but I was looking at the box and thinking of all the possibilites. I have a feeling I'm going to completely take over and make it my own. Mwa ha ha ha....maybe I'll buy us each a kit. Hmmm...I'll have to figure that part out later.
Love the Katagory V bit. Sean Penn - ha! He would have his disaster-loving face covered in cotton candy.
jez, At
8:29 PM
He'd look like a bearded elf. With a sweet, sweet, pink beard.
Moonery, At
3:07 PM
mmmmm...... gingerbread house...... mmmmmmmm
Charisee310, At
11:30 AM
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