In a Fed Ex envelope it came. Small and light, who could imagine what wondrous item was held within? I thought I might know. I had hoped and waited and paid an extra $50 dollars to have it expedited to me. With trembling hands, I ripped the package open and held in my hands something magical. With this one thing, I could see new lands. Experience new people, new food, new cultures. Though the face smiling back at me from the colorful pages looks slightly less glamorous than I had hoped, I’m thrilled. What a magical thing a passport is!
What a world of things you have set in motion with that one purchase.
For starters you have two forms of picture ID! Yeah!
Pack your bags Zuzu
jez, At
7:50 PM
You need to glam up those pages with colorful stamps from exotic ports around the world! France is not a bad one to start with Zu! I think my first was Canada!
Charisee310, At
9:56 AM
Yes, but now you have Italy and the Bahamas too!
Moonery, At
10:20 AM
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