A Lesson Learned
When taking a few extra after-dinner-chocolates post fine dining experience, it is important not to leave said chocolates in your purse if it is August in Las Vegas. This is an especially important tid-bit of information to take into consideration if you insist on having a Saturday lunch outside in the blazing sun to enjoy the warm sensation on your face. For you see, in doing this you'll end up experiencing the warm sensation of melted chocolate the next time you reach into your purse for your lipgloss.
Not that this has happened to me (like it did today) or anything...
Not that this has happened to me (like it did today) or anything...
You know what they call that Suzy? Chocolate karma.
Anonymous, At
9:59 AM
I had a minor episode of that myself Sue... let me guess ... were they little Ovation chocolate mint sticks eh? Maaaaaybe?
You will take satisfaction in knowing that "Gum karma" is much much worse. So I no longer carry gum in my purse.
Charisee310, At
11:26 AM
You've lived in Vegas how long and just learned that the life of a chocolate is about 2 nano-seconds in a hot car.
jez, At
11:28 AM
Chocolate Karma...I believe I will call this "Charma" or Karcolate.
Moonery, At
9:37 AM
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