Look at this cute little guy! Well he's beggin for you to save him, zoom him large, print him out and put him together! He'll be a-hanging on your door or window just waiting to beckon trick-or-treaters to your door. Which brings me to something serious I'd wish to discuss. How sad is it, in our society, things have gotten so bad that kids don't go house to house anymore? That was always so much fun, and now its almost nonexistent. Sure, there's Trunk - or -Treats in the church parkinglot, and "Safe Streets" set up inside schools or malls but where's the adventure in that? I remember half the fun was seeing how far you could get before you were too cold, too tired, and too wet from soiling your leotard to continue. Making it all the way to where you could see the American Express building was something boasted of by many of the "big kids," but I myself never achieved this feat. I do remember making it all the way to Tiffany Danzies house with Michelle as my escort. For some reason though, the Danzie's didn't have any candy. What was up with that? Still, it was fun knowing I made it there and with my cool big sister too! Can you see why I love this blessed Holiday so much? If not, here are some more reasons:
No presents to buy
No gifts to wrap,
No eggs to hunt for
Or Valentines to not recieve and then feel bad about being alone
No fireworks to get burned on
No Turkeys to de-neck
Oh Halloween is a marvelous thing. Its all about reaching inside yourself and finding something different to be, if only for one day.
Huh? No candy? I don't remember that..... but didn't they give us spiced cider? Hmmmm.... and I don't think you were a cavegirl that year... I am remembering pink? At some point or other I think I had you wrapped up in a cape to keep warm.
Charisee310, At
6:04 PM
I remember that year too.
P.S. Even Trunk or Treat isn't safe. Last year some kid in Utah ended up getting a bag of crack in his little pumpkin.
I guess someone had accidentally mixed it in with the candy. woops!
jez, At
6:40 AM
I think that you're begging for me to zoom you large.
Anonymous, At
12:45 PM
Pink eh? Maybe that was the year I was a pretty pink princess, or a pink space alien. I do remember you wrapping me in a blanket though. Mmmm...spiced crack. I mean cider, CIDER! Zoom me large, I'm losing my mind!
Moonery, At
12:47 PM
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