From Suzy:
HALLOWEEN! BWA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!! So its decided. If you ever drift to Vegas, I will make you scallops. Or if we're feeling like excited yuppies, we can go eat at Fix (at Bellagio) where they serve the best scallops I've ever had. You get a plate of three fat scallops and they are served on a little mound of garlic mashed potatoes, and a crispy circle of bacon. Oh, just typing that has a pavlovian effect on me. Geeze, I'm so glad we've met or you'd probably think I was an 800 pound monster fused to my couch, the way I go on about food. I'm part French though, so that explains my passion for tasty cuisine. Right? So I tried to upload my Dead Tired pics, but they are in some dumb format that won't upload. Do you have an email address and I'll send them to ye that way? Tonight I'm dressing in a Kimono my bro brought back from Japan and I'm going to be a Geisha! I figure I was something hideous over the weekend, I'd best be something pretty tonight. Or maybe I'll be a DEAD GEISHA! After all, most of them are probably dead anyway. I'll wear it to your online party tonight. Wooot!!! Last night I had a pumpkin carving par-tay with my nephew and we put in the Halloween CD. I must say, that is a fine mix for the season indeed. Perfect for diving into juicy pumpkin guts with your bare hands. You know, I thought that would have been Austin's favorite part. Don't kids love to get messy? He would hardly touch the stuff. I did most of it myself. I don't mind, I enjoyed it but it just shows how little I know about kids! You know what I have a major problem with? The fact that the new Halloween Simpsons isn't on until NOVEMBER. WHY???? Don't give me that World Series song and dance either, but it is over yo! See, I'm particularly upset because I will miss it. I'll be in PARIS! Woot! I guess that is a good reason to miss Simpsons though. Anyhoo, Happy Halloween to ye!
From Scott:
Paris??!! J'mappelle Philippie! Je suis de Texas! I think that's "my name is Philippe! I live in Texas!" in french. Spelling may be wrong though. And it's not really relevant. Or true. What is important here is that you are going to Paris, and that's pretty cool. What takes you there? Besides the fact that it's wicked awesome, I mean. can get a beret! An official french one! I am envious of your trip-rich future. Even if it does mean that you will be missing the Simpsons Halloween Episode. I will record it for ye. As for Halloween, your mix was the best part. I ended up going to my brothers house, and just sorta sat there. Being the youngest isn't always all it's cracked up to be. All in all, I rate this halloween a solid 7 out of 10, with the Spoooooooky Halloweeeeen Miiiiiiiix moving it up from a 2 out of 10. I would greatly enjoy the opportunity to see ye as "Dead Tired"! tis my electronic address. Not very original, I'll admit, but it was the first thing that I used dudicus64 on. Ha! Dead Tired. Awesome. How did the Geisha costume turn out? Did you end up being a dead geisha or a good ol' fashioned living Geisha? Geisha Geisha Geisha! Kinda fun to say. I feel badly that I missed most of my own online party. I should have posted a link to some T-rex vs Freebird fight so my guests would have something there to entertain them. What did you end up doing for halloween? Wow. I just read what I have typed so far and have realized that this PM is a little....non-continuous. Sorry. I'm a little wired right now. The good Doctor Pepper and I have been enjoying each other's company for a while tonight. Kids nowadays. They drive too fast, they cuss too often, they listen to their music too loudly, and they don't want to get their hands dirty with pumpkin guts. None of my nieces/nephews dared reach into the gourds with any sort of vigor, and were all amazed when I just started clearing out my pumpkin with my hand at our party. What happened? That's the best part! Sometimes, when no one is looking, you can slip your pumpkin guts into someone elses pumpkin, and then blame it on "Halloween magic". Usually people get pretty mad at you for doing that, but it's totally worth it. Scallops! Vegas! One of those things I've never had, and the other I haven't visited for far too long. Your description of said scallops is truely pavlovian-inducing. I don't think that I've used "pavlovian" right in that sentence, but you know what I mean. I'm going to have to figure out a plan to get to Vegas. 800 pound monster fused to couch? Hello next halloween costume...... I just got a flu shot today at work, and now my arm really hurts. Aren't flu shots supposed to make me feel better? I'm going to write a strongly-worded letter to someone about this outrage! Or at least I would if I could move my arm. Maybe I'll just take a nap instead. Anywho, if I don't hear back from ye before you go to Paris, have fun! Go to Notre Dame for me!
HALLOWEEN! BWA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!! So its decided. If you ever drift to Vegas, I will make you scallops. Or if we're feeling like excited yuppies, we can go eat at Fix (at Bellagio) where they serve the best scallops I've ever had. You get a plate of three fat scallops and they are served on a little mound of garlic mashed potatoes, and a crispy circle of bacon. Oh, just typing that has a pavlovian effect on me. Geeze, I'm so glad we've met or you'd probably think I was an 800 pound monster fused to my couch, the way I go on about food. I'm part French though, so that explains my passion for tasty cuisine. Right? So I tried to upload my Dead Tired pics, but they are in some dumb format that won't upload. Do you have an email address and I'll send them to ye that way? Tonight I'm dressing in a Kimono my bro brought back from Japan and I'm going to be a Geisha! I figure I was something hideous over the weekend, I'd best be something pretty tonight. Or maybe I'll be a DEAD GEISHA! After all, most of them are probably dead anyway. I'll wear it to your online party tonight. Wooot!!! Last night I had a pumpkin carving par-tay with my nephew and we put in the Halloween CD. I must say, that is a fine mix for the season indeed. Perfect for diving into juicy pumpkin guts with your bare hands. You know, I thought that would have been Austin's favorite part. Don't kids love to get messy? He would hardly touch the stuff. I did most of it myself. I don't mind, I enjoyed it but it just shows how little I know about kids! You know what I have a major problem with? The fact that the new Halloween Simpsons isn't on until NOVEMBER. WHY???? Don't give me that World Series song and dance either, but it is over yo! See, I'm particularly upset because I will miss it. I'll be in PARIS! Woot! I guess that is a good reason to miss Simpsons though. Anyhoo, Happy Halloween to ye!
From Scott:
Paris??!! J'mappelle Philippie! Je suis de Texas! I think that's "my name is Philippe! I live in Texas!" in french. Spelling may be wrong though. And it's not really relevant. Or true. What is important here is that you are going to Paris, and that's pretty cool. What takes you there? Besides the fact that it's wicked awesome, I mean. can get a beret! An official french one! I am envious of your trip-rich future. Even if it does mean that you will be missing the Simpsons Halloween Episode. I will record it for ye. As for Halloween, your mix was the best part. I ended up going to my brothers house, and just sorta sat there. Being the youngest isn't always all it's cracked up to be. All in all, I rate this halloween a solid 7 out of 10, with the Spoooooooky Halloweeeeen Miiiiiiiix moving it up from a 2 out of 10. I would greatly enjoy the opportunity to see ye as "Dead Tired"! tis my electronic address. Not very original, I'll admit, but it was the first thing that I used dudicus64 on. Ha! Dead Tired. Awesome. How did the Geisha costume turn out? Did you end up being a dead geisha or a good ol' fashioned living Geisha? Geisha Geisha Geisha! Kinda fun to say. I feel badly that I missed most of my own online party. I should have posted a link to some T-rex vs Freebird fight so my guests would have something there to entertain them. What did you end up doing for halloween? Wow. I just read what I have typed so far and have realized that this PM is a little....non-continuous. Sorry. I'm a little wired right now. The good Doctor Pepper and I have been enjoying each other's company for a while tonight. Kids nowadays. They drive too fast, they cuss too often, they listen to their music too loudly, and they don't want to get their hands dirty with pumpkin guts. None of my nieces/nephews dared reach into the gourds with any sort of vigor, and were all amazed when I just started clearing out my pumpkin with my hand at our party. What happened? That's the best part! Sometimes, when no one is looking, you can slip your pumpkin guts into someone elses pumpkin, and then blame it on "Halloween magic". Usually people get pretty mad at you for doing that, but it's totally worth it. Scallops! Vegas! One of those things I've never had, and the other I haven't visited for far too long. Your description of said scallops is truely pavlovian-inducing. I don't think that I've used "pavlovian" right in that sentence, but you know what I mean. I'm going to have to figure out a plan to get to Vegas. 800 pound monster fused to couch? Hello next halloween costume...... I just got a flu shot today at work, and now my arm really hurts. Aren't flu shots supposed to make me feel better? I'm going to write a strongly-worded letter to someone about this outrage! Or at least I would if I could move my arm. Maybe I'll just take a nap instead. Anywho, if I don't hear back from ye before you go to Paris, have fun! Go to Notre Dame for me!
I love these banters
"you can slip your pumpkin guts into someone elses pumpkin, and then blame it on "Halloween magic".
jez, At
1:02 PM
Moonery, At
2:09 PM
I remember "gutting" pumpkins one year with Cody and Colton (probably about 3 or 4 at the time) ... and they would have none of that "Aunt Michele, that feels gross. I don't like it."
Charisee310, At
8:49 AM
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