Get Me Outta Here!
Who wants to run away today? We could go anywhere, anywhere at all! The ocean, the city, a country we've never heard of. Pack yer bags, wait don't! There's no time for such things. Just run, run fast before someone tries to talk us out of it!
We should take the Greyhound somewhere...that would only cost us about 5.00.
We should go to Eureka, California.
Anonymous, At
12:55 PM
Eureka, that's a great idea! I'll meet you there!
Moonery, At
2:14 PM
That's a funny thing. I was just thinking the other day that I wanted to hop a Greyhound. Seriously. And ride it to some backwoods place. Get into some trouble.
jez, At
3:41 PM
EEEEEEWWWWW! Obviously you guys have never been on a Greyhound bus.... very icky people.... you could get a disease by making eye contact. That and the midnight bathroom stops in freaky towns without names that you just KNOW don't exist in the daytime! No sir..... I will just hop on one of them there graffiti strewn trains with a few cans of pork 'n beans in a bag and meet you guys there..... if you make it out of the freaky bathroom break towns!
Charisee310, At
4:51 PM
The word for the day is "nonaccomplishment"
Definition: an act that does not achieve its intended goal.
The nonaccomplishment of Joey throwing up on Mary's new shoes was that Mary forever lost interest in dating him.
Charisee310, At
10:26 AM
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