I regret NOTHING!
Last night, I heard a delightful and rare-to-Las Vegas sound. Deep and powerful, the sound I heard was thunder! Blue and white lightning lit up the dark, cloudy sky. Within minutes I was outside, breathing deeply to take in the fresh, wet scent of inevitable rain. The wind was warm and clean and washed over me while I stood, jubilant in my striped pajamas. When the rain finally poured down I stood in it for just a moment, before running inside to my bedroom, opening the window and snuggling under the covers. Lightning and thunder were my lullabies and I slept wonderfully.
This morning, however....I'm paying dearly for my romp in the rain. Head pounding, lungs burning, coughing and sneezing. Tonight will be a Nyquil and soup night for sure.
Yet, last night was so perfect. I truly regret nothing.
This morning, however....I'm paying dearly for my romp in the rain. Head pounding, lungs burning, coughing and sneezing. Tonight will be a Nyquil and soup night for sure.
Yet, last night was so perfect. I truly regret nothing.
Oh! Poor baby! You need to romp in the WARM rain! Soup and Nyquil for sure! Wish I were there to take care of you Sweet Sue!
Charisee310, At
2:14 PM
Sounds lovely, you are so victorian. Send some rain to Utah, the whole place is on fire right now.
jez, At
3:36 PM
Thanks girls!
By the way, I'm changing my title to "I totally regret it!" I feel wretched!
Moonery, At
3:43 PM
I doubt it was the rain that got you sick. You know it's all that runnin' around that tall, glass of geek has you doing.
You need to slow down. Take a breath--sleep in on the weekends. Romance will wait....
Anonymous, At
4:12 PM
Tall glass of geek!!! (rolling on the floor laughing hysterically)
Charisee310, At
11:06 AM
A tall glass of geek does not do a body good.
Speaking of Body - Michi needs to do a body blog - on the body exhibit. I regret that we didn't finish our conversation last night!!!
jez, At
3:13 PM
I regret it more than you!!! I ended up in a big argument with Kurt instead of finishing my nice chat with my lovely sister!
But right now I am doing food blogs. I will do a body blog later....
Charisee310, At
3:22 PM
Guys, I'll not sit by and have you mock my geek!!
And Michi, I heard you and Kurt. I had a fever and I thought I dreamed it all! Crazy!
Moonery, At
11:47 AM
Dreamed it? NIGHTMARED IT is more like it. Ug!
Suzy... you need an icon by the way. I have had enough of your faceless commentry.
Charisee310, At
3:25 PM
I don't know how to add an icon. Boo hoodiddley...
Moonery, At
11:03 AM
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