Oozing charm from every pore...
Lurking in the shadows, waiting for the right moment she waits. Hungrily, she plans each moment of her return. Her mouth waters in anticipation of devouring sweet flesh off the soft bones of the wussy lamb. He'll never suspect...he'll never see it coming. The EX is back! Mwa ha hahahaha...
You know, in my day when a couple broke up they stayed broken up! They didn't become chums...they didn't spend "quality time" together. The ex didn't take precedence over the new boyfriend/girlfriend. Why are things so lame now?
You know, in my day when a couple broke up they stayed broken up! They didn't become chums...they didn't spend "quality time" together. The ex didn't take precedence over the new boyfriend/girlfriend. Why are things so lame now?
Yeah, you're going to get some type of lame-a** email or phone message that goes like this:
"Hey Suzy, it's ____. Look, I know that things are going great with us, but my ex...." (voice trails off after long exaggerated sigh)"Well, I guess what I'm trying to say is I've got a lot of thinking to do."
What he really means to say is, "I guess I'm just an assfacenerdlickingexmorearendkissingbabythatneedsalargesuckerandadiaperchange."
Did you get all that?
Either that or everything is just find and we're just being negative. :)
Anonymous, At
3:32 PM
Turns out the everything is just fine and we WERE just being negative. So that's that...until she comes poking around again!!
Moonery, At
12:50 PM
You know what they call those gals "Clean-up Women" and they are always lurking about. Ready to cause trouble.
jez, At
1:44 PM
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