Nik, don't read this. You will be most irritated by my bouts of complaints spewed forth here. I'm writing about craaaaaaaaaaaaamps. I rarely am graced by the menacing presence of cramps, but when I am...ooooh snap. I feel like my uteris is turning itself inside and out, over and over again. Some women deal with this on a regular monthly basis. How in the shizz do they do that? Jimminy Cricket, this is miserable!! I'm going to crawl into fetal position and rock myself for a few hours now.
Oh my poooor Suzy! I completely sympathize with you! And from one who knows..... the only way to deal with them is LOTS OF DRUGS AND DIET COKE!
Even then it doesn't always work. I ended up staying home from the zoo last week because my period! A hot bath sometimes helps too. I hope you are feeling better today my dear!
Charisee310, At
10:44 AM
Elizabeth introduced me to the wonders of Ibuprofin for crampies and I was feeling tip-top within 30 minutes and dancing a jig with the rest of the fam as we watched Darby O'Gille and the Little People. I just love a happy ending, don't you?
Moonery, At
12:57 PM
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