Don't tell ME to calm down...pyscho.

An evil, psychotic woman called my line at work today. She yelled at me for a good 5 minutes or so, without being clear as to WHY she even called me. I am used to this, so I asked her calmly, pleasantly to please be a bit clearer as I did not understand what her situation was and how I could help her. Her response? She had the nerve to accuse me of being short with her! Her exact words: “Miss, you’re getting a little short with me. Are you having a bad day or something? Why don’t you just take a breath and calm down and attempt to be helpful.” I was shocked and speechless. Looking at my coworkers quizzically, I covered the mouth piece and asked them if I had sounded rude. They all shook their heads no. I gave up on properly assisting this faceless ignoramus and transferred her to our executive coordinator, Liz. Liz called me a few minutes later and said “Suzy, that woman was PURE EVIL and she had nothing to do with our department whatsoever! She told me I was unhelpful and rude, and she said that you have issues.” I have issues!!! Well, I’m the one with the transfer button, lady. Issue that! Ha ha ha. I’m pleased Liz had a similar experience so I knew I was not insane. Fortunately, after this incident I was commissioned to take a field trip to the concierge desk to leave an envelope for a guest. The walk calmed me down, and the guy that played Theo Huxtable cut right in front of me in line! Seeing former child stars always brings a smile to the face and a twinkle to the eye. Especially when theysmile nicely at you before proceeding on their way. I just love Las Vegas. Everything always has a way of ending just the way it should. Kind of like an episode of the Cosby Show!
I totally relate to this experience, because everytime I feel bad or upset I think of Theo Huxstable too!
It's like we're related or something...
Anonymous, At
9:15 AM
Sometimes when I am upset by a person or client... I like to imagine myself wearing a tight black slutty vinyl jumpsuit, super-high pointy heel, shiny red nail polish and lipstick. I strutt in exaggerated porn style over to the person.... slowly unzip my top... pull out a hand-grenade... pull the pin out with my teeth... drop the grenade down their pants... and as I walk away I imagine the grenade exploding and showering the floor with wet smacking pieces of the *a-&$@* 's body. Of course, they have to make me really mad first.
Charisee310, At
9:25 AM
I love that! I'm going to totally imagine Theo in a skin tight body suit exploding the obnixious fools in my way today.
P.S. And whenever I think of T - I will remember the Paul Frank Monkey that Charise so aptly lynched in my living room -
jez, At
10:04 AM
Ha ha ha-Theo Huxtable is now our official mascot of everything good in the world. If only he knew the joy he was spreading, even now.
God bless you Theo. God bless you.
Moonery, At
2:48 PM
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