Ants in my Pants
Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy. There is nothing like the anticipation of a three day weekend to get the old gluteus maximus squirming in the stiff office chair like a worm on a hook. Unlike the worm however, I’m squirming from joy and excitement, not anxiety over my eminent doom. To add to my wriggling happiness, our office even closes early today. I get off at noon! There are a few elements that are going to make this holiday weekend particularly interesting and enjoyable.
-I will be joined by Nikki and Dominique tonight
-Michelle will be in town tonight as well
-We are going to California to visit Chariseeeey!
-I am feeling fat and reckless, so there is no telling what I’m capable of.
-I just ate three plums, so I may have the runs a good portion of the trip.
-Nikki, Dominique and myself are all feeling rejuvenated in our fresh, new bitterness towards all men. This should make for amusing situations, as I’m sure we will get hit on countless times by all sorts of roguish males. We will show no mercy.
-Since the three of us have magnificent music collections, the car will be an eclectic journey for my ears.
Let the good times roll! Now If I can just make it through the workday…
-I will be joined by Nikki and Dominique tonight
-Michelle will be in town tonight as well
-We are going to California to visit Chariseeeey!
-I am feeling fat and reckless, so there is no telling what I’m capable of.
-I just ate three plums, so I may have the runs a good portion of the trip.
-Nikki, Dominique and myself are all feeling rejuvenated in our fresh, new bitterness towards all men. This should make for amusing situations, as I’m sure we will get hit on countless times by all sorts of roguish males. We will show no mercy.
-Since the three of us have magnificent music collections, the car will be an eclectic journey for my ears.
Let the good times roll! Now If I can just make it through the workday…
I can't wait to see you and your little antsy plastic pants.
Anonymous, At
12:05 PM
Word. This all came true except for the part of being hit on - unless you count that creepy guy on Hollywood BLVD staring you down ZuZu..
jez, At
9:15 AM
Oh my, he was a monster wasn't he? I felt like I was visually beat to a pulp.
Moonery, At
11:21 AM
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