It called to me, quietly at first; it’s white, frothy head peaking out from behind two fat pastries. It was easy to ignore, and I strolled on past barely giving it a second glance. Then it called louder…stronger, with a husky voice. “Eat meee…” Sweat broke out upon my brow and I desperately tried to quell the heat rising in my bosom by fanning at myself with a napkin. None of the Sunday school tricks worked…singing hymns only made the voice call louder, and thinking unappetizing thoughts like spiders, gym socks and Michael Moore only seemed to make it more determined. Desire was a beast not willing to be tamed. I took the plate, rushed to my table too full of hungry lust to feel any shame about what I was about to do. I ate the coconut cream pie…ate it like it’s never been eaten before. Afterwards I wept from guilt and remorse. Will I ever be whole again?
I once had an encounter with a Hostess Lemon Pie that would steam your glasses. It was Hot. And Heavy.
jez, At
10:52 AM
You'll only be whole after you eat the whole pie. It's sortof like pie detox...wait, no, it's more like being pie wasted.
Anonymous, At
6:19 PM
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