Neil and New Years

New Year’s with Neil
Holy Smoke, what a way to kick off the New Year! Neil Diamond concert, sushi party, hot date, new episode of AD! Could we ask for anything more?
Yes, yes we could. I’ve already discussed my New Year’s resolutions, something to the tune of traveling more and bringing back disco…but I have a few more.
1. Don’t read depressing stories like “Brokeback Mountain” anymore. Ew, I just finished it this afternoon and I need a HUG so bad.
2. Learn to play 5 new songs on the guitar.
3. Buy my condo…or at least put enough dough away that I could buy one if I wanted to. (I’m getting close!)
4. Get Nik to move out of Utah before it destroys her.
5. Improve my Spanish
So there you have it folks. Five more feasible New Year’s resolutions. Let me just close by saying 2005 was one amazing year. I met lots of swell people and went to a lot of great concerts, went to Miami and lots of other fun shizz. I predict 2006 won’t be too shabby either. Bring it izzon!!
And here’s a little photographic recap of the greatness that was…2005.

Alright, I tried to add more pics, but my computer froze. So this will have to do.
Happy New Year everybody!
How perfect are you!!! Oh snap!
jez, At
11:33 AM
See, the single life does have its advantages. You don't see any pictures of me on a schooner on my blog, do you?
And Neil Diamond? Forget about it. Anthony would immediately assume I had the hots for Neil, and arrange for his timely demise.
Anonymous, At
1:05 PM
Yes, but I don't have anyone to spoon with while I watch scary hoo.
Just kidding-single is grrrreat. If I want to go to bed at 8 pm on a Saturday night, I don't have anyone to answer to. And, and, if I don't feel like doing my hair I don't have to. And, and, I can flirt with all the guys at the gym I want, and, and, well it sounds like I'm just trying to convince myself now doesn't it. At family home evening, Kurt and Elizabeth both had on their New Years resolution list "Find Suzy a boyfriend that lasts longer than a week."
Moonery, At
3:55 PM
About Kurt and Elizabeth's resolution:
You were laughing on the outside, but crying on the inside--weren't you?
Anonymous, At
8:54 PM
Moonery, At
10:11 AM
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