In the Den...
Jimmy: So…you baby sit your sister often?
April: Yep. Every Friday night when my parents go to the Active Adults ice cream social.
Jimmy: Do you usually invite boys…eh, I mean men over to keep you company?
April: You’re my first-I mean, you’re the first one I’ve ever invited over. Ever.
Uncomfortable silence.
April: Wanna root beer or a Tab or something?
Jimmy: Um, okay. I’ll take a Tab..
Later, while sipping Tabs in the den…
Jimmy: Um…so what time do your parents get home.
April: Late…very late.
Jimmy: Um…have you ever, done “it” before?
April: What’s “it?”
Jimmy: NOTHEN! Um…
Is that what happened on your date last night?? Sounds exciting. Especially the Tab part. You can't go wrong with tab.
jez, At
11:13 AM
Yep, my date totally tried to score and I was like "DENIED!"
And then we drank tab, and it was like, all morals went out the window.
Moonery, At
11:29 AM
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