My Favorite Sin...
Ah gluttony. My true vice. If there is one sin that will keep me out of the Celestial Kingdom, it is truly this. Lust? We all know what a prude I am. I hardly let guys kiss me, let alone anything else. In fact, the entire cast of Thunder Down Under could be dancing past me in all their shirtless glory and I'd ask them where I could get some pie and nachos. Sloth? Mmmm..perhaps, but I get motivated every now and then. I have a job, go to school. Sloth has not completely taken me. Eh, I forget what the rest of the 7 deadly sins are, because they are obviously not an issue for me. But gluttony, how can I fight this? Last night our department had our monthly dinner at Stack, the new restaurant at the Mirage. Owned by the Light company this "American Steakhouse" has the hip feeling of a night club complete with dim lighting, flawlessly handsome employees and music that is too cool for me to be familiar with. And the food...oh my word. I've never had a dinner quite like that before. The food was as hip as the music. I ate until I could eat no more...and then I had a few more bites. This morning? Oh, I feel wretched. The fact that my cold is evolving into some sort of super cold doesn't help...but mostly I feel weighed down. Weighed down by filet mignon and lobster. Weighed down by the guilt that I consumed more than a million calories in one sitting. Weighed down by the one deadly sin I will never be able to shake. Shake? Did someone say shake? Don't mind if I do. Chocolate please.
Once again - I'm sorry for the Super least you didn't get the "goopy eye" that I got with it - I spent a week in hell entertaining that shiz...
And P.S. You can consume a zillion calories and not gain weight - no complaining or worrying out of you - this gluttony thing holds no "weight" get it???
jez, At
10:30 AM
It's okay, I don't think you gave me the super cold because it didn't really come on until Saturday night. And at least you didn't give me your sea-monkey syndrome! That would have been very hard for me to fix with a few Nyquil and some 7Up Plus!!
Moonery, At
10:35 AM
Hmmm, somehow when I think of the word "glutony" I don't imagine your flamingo thin legs and model height.
Honey, if that's glutony--I want to be a sinner like you!
Anonymous, At
7:03 PM
Ya, well you didn't see me shoving crab cakes and lobster and steak into my mouth the other night did you? Did you???? I'm so ashamed...and tonight my date is taking me out for sushi, so there will probably be another sickening display of gluttany tonight. Mmmm...sushi.
Moonery, At
8:42 AM
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