Am I So Out of Touch?
Maybe I’ve been spoiled by the plethora of fabulous concerts I’ve been able attend in my life. From Oingo Boingo to Wilco to Depeche Mode, I have witnessed musical genius on many different levels. None of which was displayed at last nights Billboard Music Awards. Opening was a performance of Holiday by Greenday, a peppy hit from our new anti-Bush spokesmen. While I’m not keen on the Green, it was a rousing display of energy and pyrotechnics. Although, I’m still trying to figure out the metaphor behind the silly crutch Bill Joe waved around at the end before snapping it in two and throwing it to the ground like a frustrated three-year-old. After that, it was yawn central. Countless performances of R&B songs, complete with more choreographed gyrating than a Fosse musical were accented by the occasional “Hooray for everything!” statements. All throughout the show, the announcer teased about a “Special performance” by a “Secret Performer.” This kept everyone’s attention, and whispers floated over the audience of possible artists. “I heard Brittany Spears was sighted…maybe it’s her?” “Aerosmith loves Las Vegas, maybe it’s them?” “Michael Jackson, attempting to make a comeback?” Well ladies and gentlemen, hold on to your socks…the secret artist was…was…
R KELLY, who had, in fact already performed earlier in the show. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaa? What a let down! But before I sound like a complete pessimist who would be disappointed with a unicorn for my 8th birthday, let me review some of the highlights.
*Gwen Steffoni-darling Gwen. She never disappoints, and looked like an absolute darling in her little red dress.
*Tom Petty and the tribute to him. What an amazing man, an amazing musician.
*I’m a little embarrassed to admit, I enjoyed Carrie Underwood While I’m not big on the American Idol phenomenon, it was refreshing to hear a young, vibrant girl sing with an amazing voice and absolutely no pelvic thrusts.
Perhaps I shouldn’t bag on the show so much. Really, the problem could lie in myself. Maybe I just don’t know good music. There is a chance that I’m ridiculously out of touch. But I don’t ever want that to change. Not ever! But who knows…if I keep up my guitar playing I just may be asked someday to appear on some lame awards show.
Actually, you are not out of touch. It's just the rest of the 12-17 year old population of the world. You know it's these kids that are the crutch of the entertainment economy. Maybe that's what Billy Joe was trying to convey--he doesn't want to rely on the crutch of adolescent money, he wants adults to like his music too. Just a theory.
I watched the awards for about a total of five minutes. These five minutes were spread out over an hour, because everytime I changed over to see if something great was happening, it took me about 30 seconds to realize NOTHING great was happening.
I actually thought I was going to be jealous that you went. Although I think that it was a great opportunity, and I would have gone for free too, jealous is not a feeling I was having last night. Nasea, ulcers, insane indifference, yes.
PS. Is it just me, or does Mariah look like she's put on some pounds again?
Anonymous, At
2:56 PM
Insane indifference? I love that concept-I'm going to use that in a sentence today. And Mariah has gained weight-IN HER BRA!!! HAR!
Moonery, At
3:29 PM
What's the billboard awards?
P.S. What's a bisque?
jez, At
1:46 PM
A bisque is a creamy soup. Mmmm...remember the lobster bisque from Flannigan's at Zion? A brisque is a Jewish event where a baby boy gets circumsized. A brisket is a pulled meat dish, usually barbequed.
Moonery, At
9:16 AM
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