Awkard Moments
So I bumped into the Useless Vine and his freakishly thin fiancé at church yesterday. I’d love to tell Gena said fiancé was fat and ugly and the stinging smell of urine permeated from her pores…but I can’t. She’s incredibly square…I’ve seen more style on a box of Cheerios, and incredibly snotty, but I have to admit she is a pretty little thing. Even if she does wear her hair in a super-slick boarding school teacher bun. The good news is Mike was looking as icky as ever…with new mutton chops he simply can’t pull off, and way too much gel in his hair, his fishy eyes glazed with self-righteous hypocrisy…I’m using ellipses way to much this bloglette…but I…just…can’t…stop. Gena pointed out something amusing…when I get dumped, I don’t hold anything against the guy at all. Really, no matter the situation I blame myself. But if a guy dumps my friend or my sister…forgettubout it! I just can’t let go! Interesting psychology.
I just want to know where all the REAL MEN with REAL TASTE are!!! Holy groveling goats Batman!
After looking like a waxen doll in her celelstial white gown at the wedding ... there is nothing more to do with an unanimated non-sentient stick figure of a Molly Mormon except use her to stir soup with!!!!
Charisee310, At
4:58 PM
lol! Stir a stick of Goodie Two Shoes soup...
Anonymous, At
6:56 PM
That's so true - she will probably turn to Salt in the bedroom and Mike will have a long unsatisfying sex life with this frigid miss.
jez, At
8:09 AM
Oh you guys are bizzzzad! I love it...
But we could argue I'm quite frigid myself.
Moonery, At
8:41 AM
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