Friday Night Bonus Blog!
Ah, the Friday Night Bonus Blog. Also known as the "Sitting alone on a Friday night wondering what all the active people in the world whose best friends have not moved to Logan are doing" blog. Actually, I did have a rather tempting offer from my pal Brent to go play with him and his friends, but I had already committed to babysitting the freakishly smart Austin-Blossom. That is an adventure in itself. Tonight he informed me (keep in mind, he is only 6 years old) that there are many dimensions existing in the world, and that objects that are in them are either two or three dimensional. He said this casually, as one might say "Some weather we're having" or "Gee, that Brittany Spears sure is looking like a barefoot and pregnant She-Bear lately." He is now sleeping soundly, bless his little blonde head, but only after I promised to write him some home-made Mad Libs for him to do tomorrow morning. He prefers the home-made Mad Libs because he knows it is more work for me. I'm happy to do it though, because that means I can come up with silly titles like "Who Stole My Woolen Pantaloones?" or "How to Hover Gently Over a Wriggling Mass of Jell-O." See? I'm inspired already.
By the way Charise-as soon as I wrap this up, I'm having myself a little 24 marithon. Thanks for the hook up, sweet Peach!
By the way Charise-as soon as I wrap this up, I'm having myself a little 24 marithon. Thanks for the hook up, sweet Peach!
Let me know how you like it...I'm glad I could have something to do with your Friday nacht bonus bloggin'!
Next time you see Einstein, I mean Austin, give him a hug from his Aunt Charisee.
Heart YOU! Happy Weekend!
Anonymous, At
10:11 AM
Sounds like a fantastic way to spend a Friday night. I think I spent mine shuddering under the covers and trying to protect myself from a viscious wind storm and ghosts.
jez, At
1:18 PM
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