Things Making Me Smile Today

So many of my blogs are bogged (blogged?) down with sarcasm and negativity, so before I begin griping about the mysterious $9.95 service fee for concert tickets in Las Vegas (that on top of a 3 dollar “convenience fee” and an already ridiculously high price) I’ll take a happy-time-breather. After all, there are a lot of things making me smile today.
* I’ve never been attacked by an alligator. If that ever happens, boy howdy, there will be one nasty blog written about the pain and suffering of dismemberment. Zouch!
* Last night began the fall semester. How I do love flexing my mental muscles with a little bit of higher education. Wait-does CCSN count as higher education? I think it should, because we have a planetarium. Neat.
* Michi and I went out to a delicious dinner at King’s Fish House, and I didn’t get food poisoning like Charise did when she went to King’s. Instead, I enjoyed the sweet, comforting feeling of a viscera full or warm chowder and fresh lump crab meat. Mmmm…lump crab meat. Meat. Meat me at King’s! Zing!
* Whilst delicately sucking the end of my pen, listening intently to my professor’s definition of Astronomy compared to Astrology, I felt a stinging prick on my leg. Looking down, I discovered in shock a fat black ant gnawing happily on my flesh. Why does that make me smile, you ask? Simply because it was merely an ant and not a pit bull or a ravished hyena. THAT would have been sooooooo embarrassing the first day of school.
* I discovered a new musician that I can’t wait to share with the world. Sufjan Stevens plays that banjo and the music is warm yet dark. Like an armpit…
* Has anyone reading this every met Brother Hansen of the Las Vegas Institute? If you have, you will know he is the most amusing man ALIVE! If he can’t make you smile, you don’t have a soul. Join the people who don’t like pie in the no soul line please. I have his New Testament class tonight . Since I have a soul, I am in fact smiling at the though.
* The paper cut on my index finger is healing quite nicely. I don’t believe it will have to be amputated.
Well, I could go on and on all day because that is just the sort of mood I’m in. Now what to do about my Franz Ferdinand ticket? A 35 dollar show with all those darn fees is going to end up costing about 50 clams. Aaaargggh. That makes me SO MAD. That and the post office.
SMILES and LOVE everyone!!!!
Penis Enlargement said...
You're getting blogspam too!!! HARHAR...
you need to change your blog settings to only let members post on your site...or you can just trash the comments.
Something that made me smile today: Relizing I'm a retarded mother who didn't have the correct time that her children's school got out.
It's a dumb, sheepesh smile, but a smile nonetheless.
Anonymous, At
4:20 PM
Another thing that makes me smile that same dumb smile, realizing I misspelled "realizing" and "sheepish"
Anonymous, At
4:21 PM
This spamming has GOT to STOPPPP...
Oh, and PS - great work - keep up the blogging. :)
jez, At
11:49 AM
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