Lightening the mood with some classic Ryan and Rich
Friday is for funnies not for scary nightmares! I know that now, so I'm posting this hysterical email that came from Ryan and Rich today. Those of you smart enough to follow even a hint of it are in for a real treat! Hoo-haw!
OH snap ! you did not... "ahhh, but he did". centrist? is that like moderate? somewhat related to luke warm but a distant cousin to involved citizen? son... take up arms and speak your piece. the water is rising and the sweet salvation in the form of gelopy hueys and double blade copters of yore are not coming. thats for comic books son. oil gets a tax break and those that can't swim are punished. double digit growth son. wrap that around your mind a few times boy ! GROWTH and progress and the immediate dismantling of the EPA needs to occur and how ! the only stem sale going on best be at the local botonist. not those eery basement botonist with the hydroponics... no sir... stems and seeds ruining a perfectly good batch of dime bag !!! i'm waiting for the development of Chia Stem Cell Pet. ryan... you're a man of science and business... make it happen... where pet rock meets pet Coik. all i'm saying is that ruminations of ruined nations is quickly coming to pass.
crimes are committed son on the daily. carry the big boom stick and make everyone duck for cover. the sky isn't falling but it is being broken apart and sold off as scrap to china... but at least we get $5 DVD players outta the deal. russia is polishing up on old manevuers they would rather not have us party to and the state of isreal is doing mighty fine DOD business with Big Red much to the chagrin of all of europe and france. which, as we all know, is a different of part of freedom anyhow. why can't we just change the name of france to freedom?
i say TO THE N'TH DEGREE PEOPLE. let 'em take us seriously for once.
Freedom Toast, Freedom Fries, Freedom Ticklers and Freedom Kisses... for the LOM - call it Paris, Freedom !!! let 'em know who mans the bell tower with a head full of psychoactives and a penchant for unsolicited violence and an abhorrance of WMD ! that ain't World's Mickey D's folks. those be killin' words. weapons are all around and depleted uranium is killing off our 1991 soldiers. mmm... no sir... no commie pigs here... we are liqoured and ready for a fight... like elton john once sang to a questionably hetero generation... "it's Saturday night and i want a little action here"
>>> Ryan Aslami9/16/2005 2:49:19 PM >>>
So, I took your little poly-pop quiz. Confirmed what I feel...all political parties bite some plentiful ass!!! Yes, I was labeled a "Centrist" (leaning left on personal issues, see below)..."avoiding political extremes and emphasizing practical solutions to problems." (I admit, I kinda liked that part.) Well, some might see that as a fence sitting position...I simply see it as a deficiency inherent in a 2-dimensional test...They left out the third dimension for us anti-political types.
With that included, I would surely be pushing the extreme limit on the Axis labeled "Yearning to return to apolitical hunter-gatherer era," where all that mattered was the size of your club (the brutal, wooden kind), the slope of your forehead, and the volume of hair on your back!
BTW, do you really know somebody named Calvin Cotton? That's gotta be a stage name...for an Ozark jug-band, that is! You know...that reminds me of a merry old ditty from the deep, "Old" South:
O, I used to buy my booze from Calvin Cotton Old times there are not forgotten Look away! Look away!
Look away! Dixie Land.
Not to mention Jason Ciok! That moniker could be very hazardous to your the hell did he make it through grade school? At least he can say he was responsible for putting the 'I' back in Cok (of course, he left out the 2nd c, but who's counting?) I'm really starting to worry about the company you keep, missy!
Next thing you know, you'll be hanging with guys who have two first names...oye!
The political description that
fits you best is...
Whattaya think of that? Thanks Ryan and Rich for years of friendship and laughter.
OH snap ! you did not... "ahhh, but he did". centrist? is that like moderate? somewhat related to luke warm but a distant cousin to involved citizen? son... take up arms and speak your piece. the water is rising and the sweet salvation in the form of gelopy hueys and double blade copters of yore are not coming. thats for comic books son. oil gets a tax break and those that can't swim are punished. double digit growth son. wrap that around your mind a few times boy ! GROWTH and progress and the immediate dismantling of the EPA needs to occur and how ! the only stem sale going on best be at the local botonist. not those eery basement botonist with the hydroponics... no sir... stems and seeds ruining a perfectly good batch of dime bag !!! i'm waiting for the development of Chia Stem Cell Pet. ryan... you're a man of science and business... make it happen... where pet rock meets pet Coik. all i'm saying is that ruminations of ruined nations is quickly coming to pass.
crimes are committed son on the daily. carry the big boom stick and make everyone duck for cover. the sky isn't falling but it is being broken apart and sold off as scrap to china... but at least we get $5 DVD players outta the deal. russia is polishing up on old manevuers they would rather not have us party to and the state of isreal is doing mighty fine DOD business with Big Red much to the chagrin of all of europe and france. which, as we all know, is a different of part of freedom anyhow. why can't we just change the name of france to freedom?
i say TO THE N'TH DEGREE PEOPLE. let 'em take us seriously for once.
Freedom Toast, Freedom Fries, Freedom Ticklers and Freedom Kisses... for the LOM - call it Paris, Freedom !!! let 'em know who mans the bell tower with a head full of psychoactives and a penchant for unsolicited violence and an abhorrance of WMD ! that ain't World's Mickey D's folks. those be killin' words. weapons are all around and depleted uranium is killing off our 1991 soldiers. mmm... no sir... no commie pigs here... we are liqoured and ready for a fight... like elton john once sang to a questionably hetero generation... "it's Saturday night and i want a little action here"
>>> Ryan Aslami
So, I took your little poly-pop quiz. Confirmed what I feel...all political parties bite some plentiful ass!!! Yes, I was labeled a "Centrist" (leaning left on personal issues, see below)..."avoiding political extremes and emphasizing practical solutions to problems." (I admit, I kinda liked that part.) Well, some might see that as a fence sitting position...I simply see it as a deficiency inherent in a 2-dimensional test...They left out the third dimension for us anti-political types.
With that included, I would surely be pushing the extreme limit on the Axis labeled "Yearning to return to apolitical hunter-gatherer era," where all that mattered was the size of your club (the brutal, wooden kind), the slope of your forehead, and the volume of hair on your back!
BTW, do you really know somebody named Calvin Cotton? That's gotta be a stage name...for an Ozark jug-band, that is! You know...that reminds me of a merry old ditty from the deep, "Old" South:
O, I used to buy my booze from Calvin Cotton Old times there are not forgotten Look away! Look away!
Look away! Dixie Land.
Not to mention Jason Ciok! That moniker could be very hazardous to your the hell did he make it through grade school? At least he can say he was responsible for putting the 'I' back in Cok (of course, he left out the 2nd c, but who's counting?) I'm really starting to worry about the company you keep, missy!
Next thing you know, you'll be hanging with guys who have two first names...oye!
The political description that
fits you best is...
Whattaya think of that? Thanks Ryan and Rich for years of friendship and laughter.
Oye! Indeed.
My brain hurts and my face laughs after reading that.
Two posts in one day! Are you trying to make up for the lack of substance on my site?
Anonymous, At
5:34 PM
Too freakin funny - I needed the laugh today.
jez, At
2:49 PM
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