Psychology Done Learned Me Wrong
I’d be lying if I said I didn’t like my Psychology 101 professor. I liked her a lot. In fact, she was one of the most dynamic, informative professors I have ever had in my inconsistent college career. But last night I had an experience that left me questioning how well she really knows her subject. I distinctly remember the unit when our class leaned about sleep. One of the most interesting things about that unit was learning about the various stages in sleep. Interestingly enough, we were taught that the during stage of sleep where dreams occur, the body is physically incapable of movement. The nervous system stops sending messages during dreams to prevent us from acting the dreams out and possibly hurting ourselves and others. Fascinating right? If only it were true. Last night was nightmare number 1,235. It was short and meaningless, just a quick glimpse of sheer unexplained terror that left me shaking into the wee hours…kind of like a sneak peak of Hell. I still don’t understand what it was or why it scared me as much as it did. All it consisted of was a cow standing in an empty corral. I saw it’s face and saw that it was torn to shreds except for the eyes which were staring at me with the purest look of anguish, human anguish that is, that I have ever seen. One of my arms I threw over my eyes, and the other I sort of grabbed my hair in fear and distress. When I woke up, I was doing exactly the same thing. Grabbing my hair and covering my eyes. How can that be?
Your psych teacher obviously missed the training course in sleepwalking.
That sounds like a scary dream, seriously.
Nothing like a cow and a corral to arouse the ol' terror ducts in your brain.
No, honestly, your description was creepy. I'll never look at shredded cows the same...
Anonymous, At
5:32 PM
LOL Shredded cows!!
Moonery, At
11:19 AM
Could a dream GET any freakier...
jez, At
2:39 PM
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