I need an adventure...
November 21st already, can you believe it? Well, I say it is definitely time to start thinking about New Year’s Resolutions. If you start now, you will be prepared and ready to begin accomplishing them when the old ball drops, fireworks explode in the cold January sky, and kisses are flowing as fast and freely as champagne…or in my case, sparkling apple cider and a peck on the cheek. While I haven’t yet decided where I’ll be when I ring in 2006, I have been giving some serious thought to the things I want to change in my life. Oh, the list is so long it overwhelms me a bit so I’ve narrowed it down to a few feasible goals. (I believe feasibility is extremely important when setting goals! What is the point of setting goals if they are impossible?)
1. Get a little more adventure in my life! I’ve decided to accomplish this by combining my love of music and my love of travel. Every year, I’m going to go see at least one show in a new city. I think I’m going to kick it off by going to see Sigur Ros in Houston, TX this February. Anyone who’d like to join me is welcome.
2. Take people less seriously, especially when they are being cruel or manipulative.
3. Bring back disco for GOOD!
Okay I realize number three isn’t feasible, but a girl can dream right? So who’s up for checkin’ out Texas with me? Although, I suppose it would be more of an adventure if I embarked on it alone…hmmm. What do you, the reader think?
1. Get a little more adventure in my life! I’ve decided to accomplish this by combining my love of music and my love of travel. Every year, I’m going to go see at least one show in a new city. I think I’m going to kick it off by going to see Sigur Ros in Houston, TX this February. Anyone who’d like to join me is welcome.
2. Take people less seriously, especially when they are being cruel or manipulative.
3. Bring back disco for GOOD!
Okay I realize number three isn’t feasible, but a girl can dream right? So who’s up for checkin’ out Texas with me? Although, I suppose it would be more of an adventure if I embarked on it alone…hmmm. What do you, the reader think?
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Anonymous, At
6:22 PM
I, the reader, think:
Sigur Ros in Texas?! Sigur Ros in Texas?
I just can't comprehend that.....
Anonymous, At
6:23 PM
I know, it seems a bit strange right? Those Icelandic hotties in the red-white and blue heart of America...but wouldn't it be fun? I missed them when they were in Vegas because I went to Franz Ferdinand instead.
Moonery, At
8:52 AM
I'm not cool enough to see Sigur Ros
jez, At
11:31 AM
You're SO much cooler than me, what are you talking about? Besides, Sigur Ros isn't about being cool...it's about heart and passion. Duh. (New Year's resolution number 4-Bring back the use of "duh")
Moonery, At
11:43 AM
Yeah, don't you have to own a Vespa or attend UVSC to be cool enough to listen to Sigur Ros?
I don't qualify for any of the above.
Anonymous, At
3:23 PM
UVSC? Har! Really, I think any community college qualifies.
Moonery, At
8:47 AM
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