The wheels are in motion, and my transfer to Macau, China is making the slow transition to another far-fetched fantasy to actual reality. And it makes me very happy! To live in a foreign country, if even for a year will be an adventure of such magnitude I know it will impact my life forever.
But then, the silly little voice in my head nags at me...
"Won't you miss your family?"
"What about all those handsome American fellers?"
"Are you willing to put school on hold for a year and become even furthur behind?"
I don't really have an answer to all of the questions yet. But at least I still have about 4 months before I know for sure where my fate lies.
But then, the silly little voice in my head nags at me...
"Won't you miss your family?"
"What about all those handsome American fellers?"
"Are you willing to put school on hold for a year and become even furthur behind?"
I don't really have an answer to all of the questions yet. But at least I still have about 4 months before I know for sure where my fate lies.
You'll miss your family--I'm sure you do already and you live in NV. Missing family is a given, so factor that out.
Believe it or not, there are AMERICAN men in China--so you'll be fine in the men department.
And yes, put off skewl. It will always be there. You'll be taking courses from the "school of life." Har, how corny.
Do it! Do it! Then you can send me free rice candy.
Anonymous, At
2:52 PM
Ah, the rice candy. That makes up my mind right there! I shall go!
Moonery, At
3:59 PM
HEY! I just talked to you a few hours ago and you said nothing about CHINA! What the heck is going on about CHINA?
Charisee310, At
5:06 AM
You know about China-the new MGM Resort is being built in Macau and I've been interested in working there ever since I heard about it yo!
Moonery, At
8:47 AM
WTF - why am I always the last to know about these things????????? Suzy - we need to start communicating more! I'm calling you tonight missy!!!
P.S. You are almost beating me in the dropping bombshells category.
jez, At
8:48 AM
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