Let's Play a Game!!!
Would you rather…
*Get punched in the stomach repeatedly by someone REALLY wimpy, like Dakota Fanning. Or….would you rather get tickled with a feather by someone strong and scary like a ripped prisoner on death row?
Would you rather….
*Make out with Richard Simmons for 45 minutes OR take a two week holiday to Delaware with Rosie O’Donnel.
Would you rather…
*Eat 17 rocks the size of grapes, OR chew on a dead skunk for 25 seconds?
Would you rather…
*Have a 2 year old toddler with soft, pudgy hands pull your hair for 20 minutes solid, or have a body builder pull your hair for 12 seconds?
Makes you think, doesn’t it?
*Get punched in the stomach repeatedly by someone REALLY wimpy, like Dakota Fanning. Or….would you rather get tickled with a feather by someone strong and scary like a ripped prisoner on death row?
Would you rather….
*Make out with Richard Simmons for 45 minutes OR take a two week holiday to Delaware with Rosie O’Donnel.
Would you rather…
*Eat 17 rocks the size of grapes, OR chew on a dead skunk for 25 seconds?
Would you rather…
*Have a 2 year old toddler with soft, pudgy hands pull your hair for 20 minutes solid, or have a body builder pull your hair for 12 seconds?
Makes you think, doesn’t it?
did you make these up?
Would you rather let a seagull poop on you just a little, or hold a dead seagull for one minute?
Would you rather smell the inside of an old man's shoe for 37 seconds, or lick the old man's shoe 3 times?
Anonymous, At
12:43 PM
Would you rather be locked in a closet with 12 screaming infants or a wild boar?
Would you rather have a rabid racoon trapped in your bathroom or a rabid Oprah?
Would you rather have Dr. Phil or Montel as your guidance counselor?
Would you rather date a baboon or a balloon?
jez, At
12:45 PM
EFFFFF!!! You guys are making me laugh soooo hard!!! Here are my answers:
Hold a dead seagull for a minute
Smell the inside of an old man's shoe for 37 seconds.
Locked in a closet with a wild boar
Rabid Oprah in my bathroom
Montel as my counselor.
Those were GREAT!! And yes, I made them up. Who else?!?
Moonery, At
1:24 PM
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