Sooooooooo, I’m a little bit nervous. I was so excited at having scored 4 tickets to the 2004 Tony Award winning musical “Avenue Q” which is playing in the brand-spanken’ new, 40 million dollar theater at the brand-spanken’ 5.6 billion dollar Wynn Hotel/Casino. It has puppets in it, how FUN is that? After doing a bit of research though, I know there are going to be several moments where I will refuse to make eye contact with my date Gavin (an innocent, unsuspecting Mormon like myself) or my older and significantly less-liberal brother Kurt who’s bringing his sweet wife Elizabeth. Some moments I’m concerned about? Wellll, there is a song called “The Internet is for Porn.” Also, whilst listening to NPR this morning, I heard a quick review on Avenue Q. This review mentioned there would be puppet nudity. PUPPET NUDITY!!! I’m not quite sure how to approach the viewing of puppet privates. I know what to do when it is real people privates-I cover my eyes like the bashful Mormon coquette that I am. But PUPPET PRIVATES? This is a whole new frontier of adult content for me. Perhaps I’ll compromise-I’ll cover my eyes, but peek through the spaces between my fingers while snickering childishly. So I’ve got a plan for me, but what of my companions? I’m more nervous about that than anything else! I can picture Kurt folding his arms fixing a firm, angry gaze in my direction while I shrug sheepishly. Gavin, a very outspoken fella, may just opt to walk out on the whole production. Elizabeth? I’m not sure what her reaction is. All I know, is I am in for an interesting evening. Stay tuned…
Like I said Suzy - great material!! I can't wait to hear about what happens in the next chapter!
jez, At
7:54 PM
I'm all for puppet nudity. When all else fails, remember what you did at "Boobalee." Stare at the floor.
Anonymous, At
9:21 AM
Actually, at Boobalee I stared at the ceiling. That is why my neck hurt after. Which reminds me, I'd better set up a post-Avenue Q-chiropractor appointment. HAR!
Moonery, At
9:55 AM
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