Study THIS!
Winter in Las Vegas is wonderful. The sun shines, birds chirp and the nights are absolutely perfect for hot tubbing with a few close friends. Last night the close friends happened to be Gena and Mike. Secretely I had hoped that with the news that Steve would not be joining us, Gena would opt for a girls only night and leave Mike at home. My hopes were shattered of course, when she showed up with the Useless Vine in tow. Surprisingly though, all went well through the hot tub part. I had just gone to see Leisle, my fabulous stylist the day before and had a hip new cut and color job which looked great with my cute little OP swimming suit. Ever noticed how things go so much better when you feel better about yourself? Maybe that's shallow of me, but if I don't look my best it is hard to have a good time. After the hot tubbing was when the irritation began. No, I'm not talking about a rash from the chlorine. That would have been unfortunate...but what really happened was much worse. I will never understand Mormon courtship as long as I live. Gena and Mike have been dating for quite some time now, sealed their newfound love with a kiss nearly a month ago and it is common knowledge. Yet they are still displaying obscene amounts of pre-relationship PDA. (For a definition of pre-relationship PDA refer to "It Begins...") We started to watch Tim Burton's masterpiece Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory and that is when it all began. I can't believe I shared the couch with two young people who were so obviously in heat. Tickling, giggling, shoving, wrestling all through the whole movie! My head still hurts from fake laughing every time I got a toe in the eye of a fist in my stomach. "Oh you two, crazy kids" is a phrase I must have uttered a dozen times. Finally, after Gena knocked a glass off the coffee table and spilled a bag of chips I was forced to be blunt. "Look, Mike will you just put your arm around her already? Geezzzz." After that they finally settled down a bit...but my eye didn't stop twitching. Why is that? So needless to say I'm going to a barbeque tonight where they will be nowhere in sight! But Josh and his new bride will be there, as well as Linda and Ryan. So that should be interesting...
As far as I am concerned ... Mike is still a useless vine. And that no good can come to Gina by forging such an unholy union!
I have one thing to say about their display. Ick.
Charisee310, At
12:58 PM
Poor Kitten - I would have totally thrown up at that display - or at least vibed them so badly that they would have to leave before they spontaneously combusted.
Leave the romping in the bedroom - that's what I always say.
jez, At
1:32 PM
Gag me with a sharp knife! That would probably be less painful than the night you had--at least I think so.
Anonymous, At
4:31 PM
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