Look at me! I blog!

Friday, November 04, 2005


I am weird-no denying it. I have all sorts of strange fascinations, one of them being what other people in the employee dining room are eating for lunch. While maneuvering through the cafeteria with my plate in one hand and a book in the other, I peer slyly over the shoulders of my fellow Bellagio employees attempting to catch a glimpse of their meals. Especially intriguing to me are the meals of our rail-thin cocktail waitresses. Legs like wires, impressive cabooses and tiny waists-how do they do it? Well, today while helping myself to a refreshing beverage I caught a nice long look at one of their trays. One bagel, toasted no butter or spread of any kind, a scoop of plain white rice, and a carton of Marlboro lights. Fascinating! Made me feel a little guilty about my bowl of lentil soup and egg rolls. But I’ve started going to spin class again so that makes it okay, right? Right???
Some other strange fascinations I have:

1. Feet-I just love them!
2. Hands-the most attractive feature of a man!
3. People wearing fanny packs-I'd just about give anything to know the contents of the world's fanny packs.
4. Jandek-he is this crazy mystery musician from Texas. His music is so strange and lonely and few people know his true identity.
5. Haunted houses-need I say more?


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