I Feel SO Cool
So I have recently started guitar lessons with my friend Dan-a.k.a “Big Dan” as he is 6’7” tall. Big Dan is a rare find as far as guitar players/instructors go because he is a leftie such as myself! He has even loaned me a leftie guitar to take home and practice with-which I have been doing diligently. I don’t know if I’m making much progress, I really have trouble stretching my fingers as far as they need to go. Maybe Marc could give me a few pointers? Well, one thing I do know is I had to take the guitar to work with me today, since I go strait from work to institute to Dan’s. Boy do I feel nifty walking around with a guitar like a bohemian in business casual. I just hope no one asks me to “Play a song Suzy, somethen’ real purty like.” So far the only song I’ve learned to play is the first part of Metallica’s “Nothing Else Matters.” I’m not particularly interested in playing Metallica, but I guess a lot of their music is so basic it is ideal for beginners. Don’t worry though, just because I’m strumming metal doesn’t mean I’ll soon be sporting a chick mullet and flashing the “rock on” sign while wiggling my tongue crazily at rock concerts. We all know my mane isn’t thick enough to support a mullet anyway.
Awwwwwww, come on! You would look fantastic with a mullett. I hear that they're not so uncommon in Vegas anyway.
Anonymous, At
2:15 PM
I would be a cute little hesher wouldn't I? All I need is some shredded Lee jeans and some Nike high-tops...maybe an oversized Van Halen tee belonging to my equally trashy boyfriend who has an equally trashy mullet. Sweet.
Moonery, At
3:11 PM
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