Hey Boo!
Ah, it’s that magical time of year again. Leaves are changing color, a chill is in the wind, and grocery stores everywhere are selling ridiculously large bags of candy to give even the calmest of children a terrifying sugar rush. Yes, my friends. Halloween is rapidly approaching and I’m positively thrilled! I was able to kick of the festive season with a day at Lagoon’s Frightmares with my wonderful sister Nichole, my best pal Gena and the Useless Vine. Lagoon has such a lovely ghetto charm in the summer, but their Halloween season is even better because now pre-pubescents working the Wack-A-Mole station have grey makeup smeared across their pimply faces and fake chainsaws in their hands. I think I speak for Nichole as well when I say a good time was had by all. I’m sure even the Useless Vine enjoyed himself. Nichole and I were able to sneak away to have some good sisterly bonding. This consisted of eating a delicious meal from Arby’s and going through the most terrifying haunted house EVER!!! The Nightmare Midway started off when the creepy door attendant forced me to enter all by my lonesome. No amount of begging or pleading or seduction could convince him otherwise. While I shivered alone in the dark corridor I knew I was in for some serious scares. I was right. By the time we made it to the ghostly Prom area of the haunted house, I just wanted to crumple in a weeping heap on the corn-syrup blood encrusted floor and beg for mercy. When you’re reduced to a sweaty, shaking mass clinging to your older sister with one hand and covering your eyes with the other, that’s when you know you’re in a good haunted house! After such a frightfully enjoyable time, I can honestly say I am ready for the Halloween season! Bring on the scary movies, costumes and fondue parties! Mmmm…fondue.
BLARS! I'm so sad I missed it. Those were the good ol' days.
Did you get to eat one of them there humongeous cinnamon rolls? Remember those?
Remember when I got wet on Rattlesnake Rapids...then angry...then happy because I got hot chocolate.
Anonymous, At
11:42 AM
Remember when they did the "Monster Mash" and it was deliciously cheesey? Remember?
Remember when we rode the rides by ourselves because there were only three of us one year?
Anonymous, At
11:43 AM
Remember when that one time, we were outside in front of the house, and I was pretend boxing with you, and I really hit you?
I'm sorry.
Anonymous, At
11:49 AM
It was soo perfect. I love it! LOVE IT!!!
jez, At
1:34 PM
omigoodness, I almost peed my pants reading all of those!!!
Moonery, At
9:24 AM
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