Look at me! I blog!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


I'm meeting Michi for lunch today!

Nothing quite brightens up a drab work week like a spur-o-the moment lunch with my sister!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

MURDER...Most foul.

Not really that foul. Come to think of it, there was no murder either. Just a scorched bag of popcorn. Still, it wasn't pleasant.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Dear Mother Nature,

Dear Mother Nature,

Why do you hate Las Vegas so? Is it the fact that we are dumping nuclear waste in your beloved Yuch Mountains?

Is it the smog from our gazillions of vehicles?

Perhaps it is the fact that the garrish lighting on Las Vegas Blvd has made it impossible for your beautiful twinkling stars to shine.

I understand...I'd be angry too.

Still, I'd like it if it rained sometimes. I miss it so.



Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Simple Pleasures

Going pee after a very long wait,
Getting ready for a special date,

Lumbar support for my office chair,
A baby playing with my hair,

Drinking cool water after a jog,
Crisp mountain air away from city smog,

Eating pizza and watching a flick,
Poking a carcass with a stick,

A brand new Simpsons or an old Brady Bunch,
Meeting my pals for a mid-week lunch,

A phone call from one of my sisters,
New shoes that don’t give me blisters,

A summer storm or a winter heat wave,
Devouring the tacos I always crave,

Writing a goofy poem to pass the time,
Looking down at the ground and finding a dime,

Some of these may seem a bit strange,
But none of them will ever change!

Simple pleasures are what make life great,
So embrace them now before its too late!

Saturday, June 17, 2006

I Need a Hug...

Ah, film festivals. A chance to view the work of independant film makers from all over the world. Sneak peaks at films that may become huge successes in the industry, or may simply vanish into nothingness. I had the privelage of working the Cinevegas Film festival this year, which took place over this last week. I wore my volunteer badge with pride and showed up early to each of my shifts. I was rewarded with film vouchers which I eagerly accepted. In total, I saw 4.2 films. What was this .2 film you may be wondering? Well, it was in fact a feature length film. It simply was a feature length film I could not stomach enough to sit through more than 20 minutes of. Lunacy is a Czech movie about a young man with terrible nightmares who...well, I don't really know. I didn't stay long enough to find out. I walked out of the movie feeling shaky and wondering how anyone could watch the film in its entirity.
Why are things of dark, disturbing nature thought to be genius? Why is it that images of torture and brutality are revered in our society as "poignant" and "intellectual?" Am I just too much of an ignoramous to "get it?" If being appalled at the idea of people in pain is wrong, I don't want to be right.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Thank Goodness!

I thought blogger had given me the boot as I haven't been able to post for the past week! I had so much to say, so much to vent, gush, rave about! But I had to bottle it like pickles and keep the sour juices of it all to myself...

Free, free at last!

Now...what to write about?

Friday, June 09, 2006

I don't feel so bad

Suzy hasn't blogged either

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


As I sit here, my toe tapping in typical ADD fashion, I hope for inspiration. Something to write…anything. Seriously-anything at all! I wait. I tap. Nothing. It dawns on me. I can’t just sit here amidst mind-numbing boredom expecting inspiration to suddenly wash over me like a low pressure shower. I have to catch it myself. Hunt it down, force it to surrender to my needs. This is where I hit a snag. I’ve never caught anything other than illness. Why, even when Grandma insisted on taking me fishing in AZ, she become so agitated with my lack-of-catching that she went on an angry rampage, smashing crawdads with rocks and claiming I was the “Devil’s Child.” Wait, did it really go down like that? Or have I somehow mashed that entire week’s trip into one early morning fishing trip disaster? Someone help me out here. No don’t. I know perfectly well that’s not how I came to be the Devil’s Child. The mark of the beast came was seared upon my blonde head for skipping Sunday school. Yep, that’s one way to tell if your granddaughter is the spawn of the Dark Lord himself. Another way is if she suddenly begins speaking in Latin, despite the fact she’s never had lessons. Head spinning and vomiting is another sign, or she could just be sick of French-fried zucchini. Geeze, I hope that never happens to me. Of course if it did, I would at least have something to blog about other than my lack of inspiration. Happy 6-6-06 everyone!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Twill Be...

Twill be oh-so warm in the Palm Springs Sun
When my sisters gather, each and every one…
The pool will be cool and the air will be dry,
Please ignore the cellulite on my thigh.
Tellie will be viewed in the evening hours,
After the sun has drained us of all our powers
Snacks will be consumed at a leisurely pace,
After all, it’s not an eating race!
Please don’t make me watch 6 Feet Under
We all remember that big blunder!
I’ll see you all in less than two days time,
I just know twill be sublime.