With Halloween less than two weeks away, I have yet to begin construction on a truly brilliant costume. Last year I cheated and wore my Girl Scout costume again. I refuse to stoop to such a level as a three year costume repeat! Though I would like to wear my green fishnets again, but that isn't a requirement. Any ideas?
Here are some ideas that have been bouncing around the rubbery creases of my brain tissue:
-Back up dancer from the "I Wanna Love You Tender" music video.*
-Wear the pretty turqoise tunic Nichole gave me with some wings and sparkly leggings and be a fairy of sorts.
-Elizabeth Smart in her burka made from a t-shirt. (Too soon?)
-Pajamas and bunny ears and tell people I'm "PJ Harvey." Get it? SNORT!!!!
I'm open to idears people. As you can see, I don't have many of my own. Time is of the essence so please help me!
*If you have never seen the "I Wanna Love You Tender" music video, it can be viewed at youtube.com. It's worth a few minutes of your time, trust me on this one.