Tuesday, August 22, 2006
I'm having baby withdrawls. Hot as Vegas is, I miss the warmth of that little cherub's head resting on my arm. The sweet bundle with a tiny face peeking out of it, the occasional baby sound...something between a cry and a sigh.
Could I love Teague more?
Could I love Teague more?
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Last night I dreamed of driving my little red Honda while its tires exploded around me. Rubber flying, rims getting bend, wheels falling from the frame, no one able to help of save me.
What could this possibly mean?
What could this possibly mean?
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Squirrel Girl - Inspired by Michi

Some other pick me ups I enjoy:
Father Ted
Del Taco
A morning/afternoon/evening walk
Reading To Kill a Mockingbird, my comfort book
I feel better already!
Monday, August 14, 2006
Big O = Big No
Warning: I’m about to go off on a rampage.
I hate cars! I hate car problems! I hate weird noises and suspicious smells. But most of all, I hate, hate, hate, hate, hate mechanics! Smudged, greasy chauvinists with their condescending way of speaking to women. “Come here, let me show you something” as if you know what they’re talking about. If I knew what the problem was, I wouldn’t need to take it to the mechanic, I’d fix it myself!
So you go just to get a slow-leak patched on your front driver’s side tire. That’s all. There was no other problem except for my tire was looking a little flat. The next thing you know, the tubby-mctubberton in his oily red shirt is telling me its going to cost 220 dollars to get two new tires, when I just bought 4 tires from them last year! I tearfully decline, knowing I can find tires more reasonably priced elsewhere. Besides, I didn’t need two new tires! They both have great tread and are still quite new. Well, anyhoo…those punks did something to my tire to make it rattle louder than the chattering of Satan’s false teeth. I had Kurt inspect it, turns out they sneaked a part from my wheel well. This was all after shop had closed so I couldn’t bring it to them demanding they replace said part. I called Sears Automotive, they have a shiny new set of tires for me for only 60 dollars each. Perhaps they can replace my missing part as well?
Here’s hoping, because I don’t plan on going to that Big O again anytime soon.
By the way, Charise…these recent automotive developments may foil my chance to drive to Redondo Beach this weekend. Boy oh boy, do I hate mechanics!
I hate cars! I hate car problems! I hate weird noises and suspicious smells. But most of all, I hate, hate, hate, hate, hate mechanics! Smudged, greasy chauvinists with their condescending way of speaking to women. “Come here, let me show you something” as if you know what they’re talking about. If I knew what the problem was, I wouldn’t need to take it to the mechanic, I’d fix it myself!
So you go just to get a slow-leak patched on your front driver’s side tire. That’s all. There was no other problem except for my tire was looking a little flat. The next thing you know, the tubby-mctubberton in his oily red shirt is telling me its going to cost 220 dollars to get two new tires, when I just bought 4 tires from them last year! I tearfully decline, knowing I can find tires more reasonably priced elsewhere. Besides, I didn’t need two new tires! They both have great tread and are still quite new. Well, anyhoo…those punks did something to my tire to make it rattle louder than the chattering of Satan’s false teeth. I had Kurt inspect it, turns out they sneaked a part from my wheel well. This was all after shop had closed so I couldn’t bring it to them demanding they replace said part. I called Sears Automotive, they have a shiny new set of tires for me for only 60 dollars each. Perhaps they can replace my missing part as well?
Here’s hoping, because I don’t plan on going to that Big O again anytime soon.
By the way, Charise…these recent automotive developments may foil my chance to drive to Redondo Beach this weekend. Boy oh boy, do I hate mechanics!
Saturday, August 12, 2006
A Lesson Learned
When taking a few extra after-dinner-chocolates post fine dining experience, it is important not to leave said chocolates in your purse if it is August in Las Vegas. This is an especially important tid-bit of information to take into consideration if you insist on having a Saturday lunch outside in the blazing sun to enjoy the warm sensation on your face. For you see, in doing this you'll end up experiencing the warm sensation of melted chocolate the next time you reach into your purse for your lipgloss.
Not that this has happened to me (like it did today) or anything...
Not that this has happened to me (like it did today) or anything...
Friday, August 11, 2006
Twist This!
Bodies writhing, laughter sounding,
Forehead sweating, hearts are pounding,
Entangled arms, arched backs,
Knecks twisted with multiple cracks,
This may sound like I'm one sick sister,
But I'm merely discussing the game of Twister!
Right foot blue, red foot green
This sight of this may look obsene!
Right hand yellow, left hand red
Be careful not to bonk your head!
Twister is harder than I used to think,
The exertion of it all makes my face pink.
It's all in good fun when your playing with friends,
But it sure is nice when the game finally ends!
Austin just got the game Twister last night and was eager to get it out and get a game going. It was a lot of fun, but I felt so old as my rigid limbs stretched to land on the appropriate circles! This has inspired me to get with the yoga, baby!
Forehead sweating, hearts are pounding,
Entangled arms, arched backs,
Knecks twisted with multiple cracks,
This may sound like I'm one sick sister,
But I'm merely discussing the game of Twister!
Right foot blue, red foot green
This sight of this may look obsene!
Right hand yellow, left hand red
Be careful not to bonk your head!
Twister is harder than I used to think,
The exertion of it all makes my face pink.
It's all in good fun when your playing with friends,
But it sure is nice when the game finally ends!
Austin just got the game Twister last night and was eager to get it out and get a game going. It was a lot of fun, but I felt so old as my rigid limbs stretched to land on the appropriate circles! This has inspired me to get with the yoga, baby!
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
I May Have Stumbled on Something...
I love of baking! I made pizza from scratch last night. Pizza crust and sauce completely homemade. And guess what? It was delicious!! Who woulda thought?
Friday, August 04, 2006
Am I right folks? I'm right folks.
Tonight is First Friday and tomorrow is boating on Lake Mead!
I think I'm going to like this weekend.
Tonight is First Friday and tomorrow is boating on Lake Mead!
I think I'm going to like this weekend.
Thursday, August 03, 2006
This morning I had an overwhelming desire for a weekend breakfast. Weekend breakfasts are those delicious, artery clogging meals only consumed on the weekend for several reasons. After eating such a feast, one must not be required to participate in activity that requires thought of physical movement. A weekend breakfast must be followed by one of the three: A nap, a matinee movie*, a lay by the pool.
Weekend breakfasts aren't meant to be eaten alone. One must always have a sister or pal dining with them.
Another rule of weekend breakfast is almost never prepare this food yourself. Typically purchased at I-Hop, Denny's, Dee's or the like, one can find a find weekend breakfast for a reasonable price.
Pancakes, eggs, bacon or sausage are must haves.
I wanted everything that came with a weekend breakfast this morning. I wanted the pancakes, the eggs and bacon (crispy!) and possibly orange juice. I wanted to go see a movie with my belly full and bake in the sun after. I wanted Denny's to make it for me and clean up after me. But most of all, I wanted my sisters to be with me consuming the hearty feast.
I had Frosted Flakes in a paper cup instead.
September first can't come soon enough!
Weekend breakfasts aren't meant to be eaten alone. One must always have a sister or pal dining with them.
Another rule of weekend breakfast is almost never prepare this food yourself. Typically purchased at I-Hop, Denny's, Dee's or the like, one can find a find weekend breakfast for a reasonable price.
Pancakes, eggs, bacon or sausage are must haves.
I wanted everything that came with a weekend breakfast this morning. I wanted the pancakes, the eggs and bacon (crispy!) and possibly orange juice. I wanted to go see a movie with my belly full and bake in the sun after. I wanted Denny's to make it for me and clean up after me. But most of all, I wanted my sisters to be with me consuming the hearty feast.
I had Frosted Flakes in a paper cup instead.
September first can't come soon enough!
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Off to a great start!
Whilst beginning my morning commute, I pulled in behind a shining black Acura. It's license plate was framed in a fancy barbed-wire style and the license number? Said simply "ALIENS."
It doesn't take a lot to make my morning does it?
It doesn't take a lot to make my morning does it?