Look at me! I blog!

Friday, May 26, 2006

Humor In Uniform...

I just got this email from Eric today, and thought it worthy of a guest appearance on my blog. Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you...Eric's email!

"Nothing like Pioneer Day! It's my favorite time of the year to be sure.
Watermellon, CHIKUN, kinfolk, and things that blow up leaving sooty little smiling faces in their smoky wake. In fact me and the family are going to dress up in Pioneer garb and do a hand-cart trip from "This is the Place"
monument down to the Mormon Miracle Pageant in Manti. They don't think it's going to be fun. But they don't know what fun is sometimes. You are always invited. (No Tenny Runners Allowed)"

We love you Eric! Come back to us soon!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

If I had an Eskimo Pie...A Poem

If I had clutched within my shaking fingers
A treat so tasty, it's spirit lingers
It would be an Eskimo Pie.
Which I'd eat,
With a twinkle in my eye.
Before I'd eat, the wrapper I'd remove and toss,
For foil in my belly makes my innards cross,
I'd take the first bite,
What a delight!
The first bite would be followed by another,
And let me tell you, it's tasty brother!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Get Me Outta Here!

Who wants to run away today? We could go anywhere, anywhere at all! The ocean, the city, a country we've never heard of. Pack yer bags, wait don't! There's no time for such things. Just run, run fast before someone tries to talk us out of it!

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Cherry picking baby

Thursday, May 18, 2006


*I wish I didn't have to wear underwear
*I wish I could afford a boob job
*I'd like to scream obscenities at everyone who walks past my desk
*I like to listen to the Bee Gees really, really loudly.
*Feeling bad feels better than feeling good
*There's nothing like a Doris Day movie
*I smile a lot for no reason
*I miss my sisters
*I enjoy being on my own
*I could use a kick in the pants
*I have nothing to blog about.

Heart you all!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Formula for an Independent Film

Lately, I've been taking advantage of a program put on by my local library which showcases independent/foreign films. Last week, the film was Me and You and Everyone We Know, which won some sort of award at Sundance. Mostly, I didn't like it that much. It seemed to fulfill every independent film cliche ever.

These clichets compose the formula for making an indepent film to appeal to viewers of highter intellect. The more cliches one can cram into the film, the more succesful with the hipsters it will be. So let's get started making our independent film!

First, the lead male character must be slim with orchid white skin.
This male character's complexion is essential, as he will have many close up shots when he stares at things. Which leads me to another cliche of independent films. Staring. Countless, endless shots of staring. Perhaps someone will be staring out a window. Perhaps the staring will be focused at a crumpled newspaper laying wilted in the city sun. It doesn't matter. Staring will occur. Sometimes zany music will be playing in the background. Often the staring will take place in silence. The main thing one must consider with staring, is that if everyday, run-o-the mill American Joe's would find the object of the staring dull or insignificant it will make a great shot for your indie film. Now, if your character is staring at a monkey spanking a large breasted blonde woman with a freshly baked baguet, it doesn't fit the formula. Got it?

Another cliche of independent film is children acting like adults. Speaking much too coherently is one trait of these mentally-overdeveloped "children." Another way these so called "kids" act out their freakish maturity is to engage in sexual activities, or discuss engaging in sexual activities. Usually, said activities don't take place with other kids either. They always find some creepy pervo-adult with an underdeveloped sense of good judgement to seduce.

A third cliche is the saga of the struggling artist. No matter the art form, no matter the medium, the artist will struggle. Yet, they struggle succesfully. Allow me to clarify. Though said artist has no source of income, rent always gets paid somehow.

The final cliche I would like to discuss (though there are countless cliches to watch for besides the ones listed) is the dsyfunctional love affair. Now, I know better than anyone that love naturally is dsyfunctional so putting it into a movie is realistic right? Right! But in indie films, it works out. The slacker artist with the bad temper and drug addiction is tamed by the love of the fair maiden. Or suicidal girl is "saved" by an ex-con man with a wooden leg and a history of violent alcoholism. In the case of Me and You and Everyone We Know...well, never mind. I don't want to give away the ending! Besides, isn't it more fun to find the cliches yourself? Try to make a game of it. That's what I do! Now, I'm going to log on to the library's website and see what film is playing tonight!

Monday, May 15, 2006

One Moral Dilemma of Atheists...

Most organized religions push the tenet of "save everyone whether they want to be saved or not". So I ask what position should an atheist take when lets say villagers in Indonesia faced with the imminent eruption of a nearby volcano (Mt. Merapi) attempt to save themselves with burning incense and floating offerings to the "angry Merapi". I would react violently to being bodily wrestled to Sunday School, so should I insist on a forced relocation of such "believers" for their (obvious to me) own good?

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Saturdeeeeee Night

Ah, children. Aren't they great folks? Seriously...no sarcasm whatsoever, I love kids! I just spent a great little evening with my sweet little peach of a nephew Austin. He was in my care whilst his parents had a romantic evening out. I treated him to Del Taco before we got right down to the nitty-gritty business of making Mother's Day gifts for Elizabeth. Austin was more than thrilled to string fat, colorful beads on chord to make both a necklace and a bracelet for his mum. After, we scurried upstairs to the bedroom where we proceeded to strip Kurt and Elizabeth's bed to replace their old sheets with the oh-so-nice, new 1000 thread count sheets Kurt had purchased earlier as surprise. I think we did pretty good! Of course, no night with Austin is complete without a fantastic meltdown of sorts, and actually, it is going on right now as I type this. Austin, insisted his mother gave him permission to sleep in his little pop-tent. While putting up the tent, Austin got a little overzealous and snapped one of the frame pegs (whatever their proper name is, I'm not sure) in two. Realizing his mistake, he dissolved into tears wailing "This was my one big chance, my one big chance..." Big chance to...sleep in a tent? I could be guessing, but I'm sure the opportunity will arise several more times in his life. Of course, it is difficult to explain this to a weeping 6 year old, so I tried my best to comfort him. Nothing I said could console him...he just exhausted himself and climbed into bed. I know how tired he is, but he's fighting sleep and every now and then I'll hear him moan "my one big chance." It's sadly adorable. He's so charmingly dramatic. Just like his Auntie. Man, I love kids!

Friday, May 12, 2006


Okay, note to self. Do not go to spin class for the first time in 2 months, in the psycho-spin class. Yes, it is actually called Psycho-Spin. Why is it called Pyscho-Spin? For good reason. It is 50 minutes of out of the saddle, high tension jumps and climbs, set to horrible R&B music. This morning I feel as though 3 strong men took turns beating me with gym socks filled with quarters, afterwhich they all had their way with me. I hurt, I hurt! But it is a good kind of hurt, the hurt of a great workout. According to our instructor, we burnt over 600 calories. (This number varies based on weight, but it's safe to say, I burnt anywhere from 500-600) Not to shabby! Now, if I could just start doing this on a regular basis, I'd be good to go!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Journey with me...to the dark side.

We had a visit from Wes Craven today here at Bellagio, and it has me in the mood for scary stories. Most (and by most, I mean all) of my scary stories y'all have heard already. But who doesn't enjoy a recap now and then?
*The Chair Witch Project
I awoke three nights in a row to find my desk chair had been drug across the room to the head of my bed as though someone sat there and watched me sleep through the night.

My night time struggle for survival against a Japanese visitor hopped up on some sort of prescription drug fruit salad.

*The Shower
Taking a shower at Nichole's house and having the hot water after 10 seconds turn to ice, then shut off completely.

Mwa ha ha hah a hahahahah...

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Pienso que los hombres son estupidos....

Nuff said.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Hey Kids!

Welcome minors! My name is Chester A. Mumford and I'd like you to meet my furry friend Juan. Juan is very special to me and I hope someday he'll be special to you as well. Juan is my co-pilot in this exciting amusement park ride I like to call life. I can tell Juan anything, and he never judges me or calls the authorities on me. Not once has Juan ever encouraged me to "seek professional help," or "turn myself in." Juan is patient, understanding, and ever so soft. Sometimes he protests when I pet him to much, but like a good friend, he submits eventually. Racoons are nocturnal animals, and Juan is no exception. It's comforting to know that when I wake up in the middle of the night, frightened of a bad dream, Juan is awake in his cage blinking at me in the shadows. Juan will never leave me. Remember kids, a loyal friend is a friend forever. I hope each and everyone of you is lucky enough to have your own Juan someday. Oh, and...let's just keep this between you and me okay? It will be our special secret.

Friday, May 05, 2006

A Birthday Shout out!

To my friend AND yours: Redondobob!!! Happy Birthday!

On your special day, I hope you encounter: no pickles, no croutons, no tomatos! I wish you poor man tacos and a root beer float. And I wish you very good luck on a job interview that could relocate you to the wonderful world of Southern Nevada! Yeeee haw!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Do I really want to do this?

Summer School.
Class M-Thursday 6-9 pm for 2 months. Gaaaahhh! Just thinking about it makes me sleepy. Not to mention my online literature class too. Gulp. I don't know about this. Is graduating from college worth summer burn out? Let's take a poll of my readers. (All 3 of them!)

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Last one...

I just think this one is so funny!

Water Colored Memories

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Wow, you'd think by looking at these pics that this weekend was totally awesome or something.

These blogs are always the best...

You know these blogs of which I speak. Blogs posted after many frenzied days of activity and excitement. Blogs where I am on less than four hours of sleep from the previous night. Blogs where I can share such stories as...as...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Just kidding! I'm not REALLY sleeping. I was just pretending. I'll start with the cold sore. It never blossomed to the full engorged monsteresqueness that it usually does. My fast action and swift treatments prevented THAT from happening. However, there was a barely visible blister not much larger than the point of a pencil purchased at the Keyhole. In fact, Daryn probably wouldn't have noticed it at all, but I feared spreading the dreaded plague so I told him it was there and that there would be NO KISSING this visit. He was crushed, but realized he could still kiss me, just not on the lips. I actually came to like this arrangement as I recieved many sweet kisses on the cheek and neck. Swooooon. As for the cold sore affecting my time at Coachella, it didn't. As I mentioned it was not visible to the naked eye, unless your naked eye was getting kissed by my infected lip, which would be wrong for SO many reasons. So Coachella was great. So much bigger than I could have possibly imagined. Picture Warped Tour times 10 with a nicer, less angry crowd and you've got it! So yes, Coachella was a crazy, exhausting, wonderful success! I am so happy I went! By the grace of God alone I was able to meet up with my ride home and we put the pedal to the metal and pulled into Vegas at 4 in the morning on Sunday. Slept for a few hours then got up and cleaned like a muthu to prepare for Daryn's arrival. We spent Sunday afternoon relaxing with the fam. Then...Depeche Mode!!!! Outdoor at the Joint...twas a perfect night for a concert. Nice, 80 degrees after the sun went down. An amazing show and my favorite part? Daryn is a great concert buddy! He shakes his groove thing and really gets into it. There's nothing worse than a boring bump on a log at a concert. The after party was held in a small meeting room and this time there were food, drinks, and places to sit. I'll send pics as soon as I get them.
Monday: I don't think two people ever packed quite so much into a day. We went to Nelson Nevada which fascinated Daryn as I had hoped it would. We explored for a bit, then headed to Lake Mojave with a picnic and our swimsuites. Caught some sun and stumbled upon to elderly NUDE sunbathers. Awesome. After going home to shower, we went to Quark's for dinner as Daryn is quite the Star Trek fan. Then we saw Hairspray at the Luxor, then went to the Stratosphere where Daryn taught me how to play black jack. HIT ME!!! We ended the night by trying out an oxogyn bar which was quite nice, but I'd say a bit overhyped. I took him to the airport this morning and I'm soooooo tired. But it is a good, happy tired. The kind of tired you only get at the end of a really good time.
The end.