Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Monday, January 30, 2006
Ask Ivan: Real Advice from a Real Man

Dear Ivan,
Lately I've had an overwhelming feeling that I am not fulfilling my calling in life. My job is unsatisfying and I am so lonely. I haven't many friends, and the ones I do have don't really exist.
Please help me!
Lucy Loveless,
Fargo, ND
Dear Lucy:
Woa, you should change your name to Captain Bringdown, STAT! Your life sounds like a major downer. Here's what you do-k, go to everquest.com and register to get on board the most exciting adventure you could possible imagine! After a few quick wizard battles and elf slayings, you'll find that fulfillment you were so desperately seeking. I'll see you there, Captain!
Dear Ivan,
I like to go through my neighbors trash at night. It intrigues me. Did you know the Smith's drink DIET soda? The Rodriguez's use generic TOILET PAPER? We're talking one plye here! And beautiful Miss Lynn from accross the street eats at Del Taco at least three times a week. She likes the chicken soft tacos and cheddar quesadillas. Sometimes I make hats out of the quesadilla wrappers and wear them to various support groups. I don't really need any advice or help...I just wanted to share with you and the readers that Old Man Barker reads Cosmopolitan and wears women's Secret deodorant. He's a little...wink, wink, if you know what I mean.
Warm regards,
One Man's Garbage
Pahrump, NV
Dear One Man's Garbage:
Was that you I saw last night, skulking about my trash can leafing through my discarded credit card applications and Popular Science magazines? Sounds like you've tapped into a remarkable well of unnecessary information about your neighbors. My hats off to you and your smelly source of useless information. Thanks for sharing!
Dear Ivan,
Have you ever made a mushroom cry? I did last night and I feel really bad. What is a good way to apologize?
Your basement
Dear Lana,
What the F?
Friday, January 27, 2006
This could be a good thing...but it probably isn.t

My car is dying. Bless it’s little Japanese-Honda heart, it starts for me every morning and runs like a dream, but I’ve put nearly 141,000 miles on it (yes, I do love a good road trip) the check engine light has been on and the mechanics don’t know why, and now the CD player doesn’t work! Horrible! I put in a CD and all I get is static. Fortunately the radio still works, but unfortunately Las Vegas was never know for it’s good radio stations. There is a brand new station I find somewhat acceptable, though it still plays its fair share of Nickelback and Lincoln Park-two of the worst bands of all time. My frustration has turned me to the classical music station, just to get away from hearing the same tripe played over and over. Classical music has turned out to be a real treat. Some pieces I recognize, some are completely new experiences to me. I haven’t heard anything displeasing to me in the least…still, I think I’ll keep my eyes open for a new car.
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
In the Den...
Jimmy: So…you baby sit your sister often?
April: Yep. Every Friday night when my parents go to the Active Adults ice cream social.
Jimmy: Do you usually invite boys…eh, I mean men over to keep you company?
April: You’re my first-I mean, you’re the first one I’ve ever invited over. Ever.
Uncomfortable silence.
April: Wanna root beer or a Tab or something?
Jimmy: Um, okay. I’ll take a Tab..
Later, while sipping Tabs in the den…
Jimmy: Um…so what time do your parents get home.
April: Late…very late.
Jimmy: Um…have you ever, done “it” before?
April: What’s “it?”
Jimmy: NOTHEN! Um…
My Favorite Sin...
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
A Discovery Most Foul...Fowl?
As we nestled down in the big, comfy bed I felt something at my feet. Something hard and plastic. Thinking perhaps, a toy of Austin’s had found it’s way under the sheets, I reached down to retrieve it and toss it aside. Discovering the “toy” had a long wire, I thought it was a small MP3 player…it was dark and I couldn’t see so I handed the object in question to Nichole for her to examine. After about 2 seconds, she dropped it and yelped “That’s no MP3 player! That’s a vibrator!” Within minutes the beastly object had been thrown to the floor and Nichole and I were in the bathroom scrubbing our hands clean. Okay, so I have never used, touched, or seen a…vibrator. There are worse things to be ignorant of in life right? For example, the correct way to floss ones teeth. The proper maintenance and storage of cheese. How to tie your shoes….
By the way, the object in question belonged to Elizabeth’s little sister Aaron and her husband Jake. Eeewwwww…back the counseling I go.
Monday, January 23, 2006
I've made a huge mistake...Part Duex
Who knew Belle and Sebastian was such a hot act in the US? I made it to my local ticket master box office a mere two hours after the tickets went on sale and they were already SOLD OUT!! How the did that happen? I’m crushed! They are on my list of bands I need to see before I die…I guess I’ll have to wait and see them back in Scotland. Boo hoo…until then, UK sweeties The Wedding Present will suffice.
Friday, January 13, 2006
Warnings aside, O was a fantastic show; far better than T.I.’s Mystere and even surpassing MGM Grand’s Ka. For nearly two hours I was under the spell of beautiful music, shimmering water and perfectly molded people wearing stunning costumes doing amazing things. I’ve never seen such as stage as O’s. Lakes and ponds come out of the ground and disappear just as quickly…ghost ships come from the sky and people vanish into mysterious abysses only to reappear from a completely different area seconds later. Who comes up with this? What sort of maddening genius does it take to accomplish such feats? And why can’t I have just a little bit of the synchronized swimmers flexibility? Why? Why??? PS-Happy Friday the 13th! THE END
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
PS-I will buy the Belle and Sebastion tickets for your present!
Unless you would rather get something boring like a gift card to Albertsons or a subscription to Forbes.
Let me know, sweet thang.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Monday, January 09, 2006
Not again!?!
Do a traditional Irish jig while covered in bumblebees or eat shaved ice with Sean Penn while he preaches his politics to you?
Skip through a field of wildflowers or nap under a blossoming apple tree?
Read your journal to Bob Saggot, or read your journal to your ex-boyfriend?
Make a dress out of soiled cloth diapers or wear a toilet on your head?
Swim with the dolphins in a clear, calm ocean or soar with eagles in a majestic orange sunset?
Wear a turtleneck to the beach, or long pants to the pool?
Read a boring blog by Suzy, or read no blog by Suzy?
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Neil and New Years

New Year’s with Neil
Holy Smoke, what a way to kick off the New Year! Neil Diamond concert, sushi party, hot date, new episode of AD! Could we ask for anything more?
Yes, yes we could. I’ve already discussed my New Year’s resolutions, something to the tune of traveling more and bringing back disco…but I have a few more.
1. Don’t read depressing stories like “Brokeback Mountain” anymore. Ew, I just finished it this afternoon and I need a HUG so bad.
2. Learn to play 5 new songs on the guitar.
3. Buy my condo…or at least put enough dough away that I could buy one if I wanted to. (I’m getting close!)
4. Get Nik to move out of Utah before it destroys her.
5. Improve my Spanish
So there you have it folks. Five more feasible New Year’s resolutions. Let me just close by saying 2005 was one amazing year. I met lots of swell people and went to a lot of great concerts, went to Miami and lots of other fun shizz. I predict 2006 won’t be too shabby either. Bring it izzon!!
And here’s a little photographic recap of the greatness that was…2005.

Alright, I tried to add more pics, but my computer froze. So this will have to do.
Happy New Year everybody!